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Oct 3rd 2019
I promised I’d be nice to #Quartz this #MinCup, although SOME people think it’s mean to point out you can access quartz’s electrical properties by hitting, squishing, or sawing it.

So, fine. Strategy tip. Why not tap existing Steven Universe fans to recruit voters?
The .gif opportunities are amazing considering Amethyst (the purple gem of #Quartz) is a major character.

Here she is getting a helping hand from #MinCup2018’s champion #Garnet:
One of the reoccurring #MinCup2019 arguments is that #Quartz is more stable than #IceMin at surface temperatures.

You’ve got a .gif for that. NO ONE USED IT THE ENTIRE CUP. Come on, it’s in the first handful of “Amethyst Steven Universe” .gifs pre-loaded into the Twitter app!
Read 10 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
#Inktober index card 1: Relative dating is a snippet of simple magic. As soon as you stop to think logically, entire landscapes unravel in eagerness to tell you their story. #sciart #geology #teaching
#Inktober index card 2: #DonnaStrickland is the 3rd woman to EVER win the #NobelPrize in #Physics for her work on chirped pulse amplification, an engineering #optics technique to create short, intense laser bursts with broad industrial & medical applications. #sciart #cansci
#Inktober index card 3: I’m #TeamIce for #MinCup2018, infatuated with this simple & elegant mineral.

Here’s my interpretation of ice from chemical composition to melt molecules to crystal hexagons. I couldn’t find my blue pens for sketching the #thinsection. Shush.

Vote ice!
Read 27 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
Oh no. It’s the most contentious time of the year for geo-folk. I usually stay out of it, but some of these minerals are going to make me stan hard.

Lineup below. Hashtag to Follow or Mute is #MinCup2018
Olivine is the defending champion. Here’s why it’s badass from my Ode to Olivibe last #MinCup:
Read 17 tweets

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