Lineup below. Hashtag to Follow or Mute is #MinCup2018
Ignore the social/economic burden of diamonds, because it’s not the poor lil minerals’ fault that humans have been terrible over the sparkly.
Instead, let’s talk mineral properties.
As a geophysicist forced to memorize chemical composition by sadistic petrologists, I appreciate being able to scrawl “C” for full credit.
Plus, it’ll never be confused with it’s allotrope, graphite. Easy ID is my friend.
A: Rub it against something. Does the mineral scrape your thing? How about that other thing? And that one? If it scrapes EVERYTHING, thar be diamond because it’s literally the hardest material.
A: Fine. Toss it in fire. Or a pool of lava. Liquid lead? Whatev, you ain’t melting it because diamonds are tough fuckers with the highest melting point of any mineral at 4090°C
A: Diamonds are transparent over the greatest number of wavelengths (they’re clear), but also have excellent fire, with luster from greasy to adamantine depending on cut.
Total internal reflection
You cannot cut a gorgeous diamond without understanding optics. Every diamond ring is #SciArt.

Imagine an asteroid. It has graphite in it. Now slam it into the Earth in a violent cataclysm of doom.
That’s how you get Lonsdaleite, a diamond polymorph with graphite crystal structure (& a rare mineral named for a woman).
Fuck Olivine, it won last year.
Diamonds are the hardest, most heat resistant, densest, & clearest mineral, plus they have neat heat conductivity, fluorescence, & luster. The badass origin story is just bonus.
A sunbeam hit it on my flight earlier & I was captivated making the light dance.
Diamonds: For when your inner cat takes over. Or when your inner unicorn needs to restock rainbows.