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Dec 12th 2022
New from me @TheSpectator:

My Christmas wishlist is fairly simple–I'd love for a ban on @tiktok_us, a Chinese spyware system that's being used by the CCP to spy on Americans

Read on for how I could get my wish!…

What do Santa Claus and the Chinese Communist Party have in common?

They both see you when you’re sleeping, and they both know when you’re awake — especially if you have communist spyware like @tiktok_us installed on your phone!…

Whether you’re a teenage girl or a government employee with a top secret clearance, @tiktok_us wants to brainwash you and steal your secrets — maybe even both!…

Read 36 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
@kayhoflander @mikeparson @TeamParsonMO @Mikelkehoe @JayAshcroftMO @FitzpatrickMO @Eric_Schmitt @TeamSchmittMO @s_webber @JasonKander @KDHE @VFWHQ @Mizzou @muhealth @WUSTL @BluebirdsofMO @collhistgarden @mizzouatheart @PhyllisMarion7 @sarahkendzior @CoriBush @GovJayNixon @KCStar @stltoday @KCTV5 @clairecmc @MO_HouseDems At this juncture, it’s clear to explain
an old saw from Mike Parson’s campaign:
random rural yard signs to
applaud Mike’s designs to
continue his post-Greitens reign.
In this specimen Parson would take in
uninformed voters in County Macon. 1/2 🔥 #mogov 🗳️
@kayhoflander @mikeparson @TeamParsonMO @Mikelkehoe @JayAshcroftMO @FitzpatrickMO @Eric_Schmitt @TeamSchmittMO @s_webber @JasonKander @KDHE @VFWHQ @Mizzou @muhealth @WUSTL @BluebirdsofMO @collhistgarden @mizzouatheart @PhyllisMarion7 @sarahkendzior @CoriBush @GovJayNixon @KCStar @stltoday @KCTV5 @clairecmc @MO_HouseDems The reality, though: far more grim
as school districts may soon sink, not swim
in each piteous scene
of a mass quarantine as
new cases exceed counties’ brim.
Yet the venue’s the same:
still in Macon. Why no
mask mandate? Parson’s mistaken.
2/2 🔥 #mogov 🗳️
@kayhoflander @mikeparson @TeamParsonMO @Mikelkehoe @JayAshcroftMO @FitzpatrickMO @Eric_Schmitt @TeamSchmittMO @s_webber @JasonKander @KDHE @VFWHQ @Mizzou @muhealth @WUSTL @BluebirdsofMO @collhistgarden @mizzouatheart @PhyllisMarion7 @sarahkendzior @CoriBush @GovJayNixon @KCStar @stltoday @KCTV5 @clairecmc @MO_HouseDems Yes; thank goodness the
National Guard, unlike Mike,
at this moment works hard
citizens to protect.
Parson’s lies we reject,
evidenced by his COVID scorecard.
Folks still ask: why no #MaskUp
mandate? Parson’s post outweighs
the #ShowMe State.

🔥 #mogov 🗳️
Read 347 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Read 354 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Read 354 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
1st term Nebraska GOP Senator @BenSasse debated #NESen Democratic challenger @CJSenate2020 in Lincoln, NE hosted by @NETNebraska on @cspan.… Image
Sasse: "I've been a Republican and I've been a conservative for my entire life. I was fighting for conservative issues when Donald Trump was still bankrolling Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's campaigns long before he thought about joining the Republican Party to run." Image
Sasse: "When President Trump decided to adopt conservative or Republican positions on a whole bunch of issues, I was excited to welcome to him to the Republican Party and to the conservative movement."
Read 6 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
The latest in the #NESen race is @Shelton4Senate and @AngieForNe demanding @CJSenate2020 quit the race, allowing the @NebraskaDems to coalesce behind Alisha Shelton, the May primary's third-place finisher.

From @OWHnews:…
This story has now been updated with comments from a UNO professor who told @OWHnews of an interaction with @CJSenate2020 in which she and several witnesses say he used the term "niglet" with her. Read more:…
Also adding a line now from Janicek's spokesman saying he did not recall saying anything like this, but that it was possible. Janicek told the NYT: “None of the story you presented is true. I do not know these women nor have I ever met them. I’m denying any and all accusations.”
Read 3 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
Been working this week on a story about some things going on behind the scenes in the #Nebraska Senate race. Today, some of those things popped. Story being posted on @OWHnews as we speak.

Text messages may come back to bite @CJSenate2020 after Janicek made some comments the @NebraskaDems called "sexually inappropriate." The party is now asking him to quit the race so they can replace him against @BenSasse. #NESen

From @OWHnews:…
Story has been updated with comments from Janicek and the lawyer for the alleged victim.…
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2020
So it’s looking good to reach a top 5 primary in Nebraska.
Unlike some nights, the 8:45 p.m. release tonight in Douglas County could settle a lot of races, given how many mailed ballots people requested and returned by Monday.

I’ll be watching the gap in #NE02.

Updates from @OWHnews and @jeffreyrobb:…
Interesting to look down the ballot and see the Omaha street bond votes looking like they’re having a good night so far and some interesting races for Legislaure and county board looking like they could be fun.
Read 24 tweets
May 8th 2020
Barring misbehavior this weekend, I think I have put the finishing touches on the last two preview stories of this primary campaign. Thank you all for following along. And please ignore the thud and loud snoring on Wednesday.
For @NEGOP voters, there’s not a ton at the top of the ballot other than @BenSasse’s race with @InnisForSenate.

Read about that here:…
For @NebraskaDems voters there’s a little more choice on the menu, starting with a seven-way #NESen primary with a lot of new faces.

Here’s that story:…
Read 28 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
📢 NEW LA Times Poll (1/2) 📢

#CA10: @joshua_harder (D) 50% vs. Denham (R) 45%
#CA22: @JanzforCongress (D) 45% vs. Nunes (R) 53%
#CA25: @KatieHill4CA (D) 50% vs. Knight (R) 46%
#CA39: @GilCisnerosCA (D) 49% vs. Kim (R) 48%

cc: @BlueWaveCS🌊
📢 NEW LA Times Poll (2/2) 📢

#CA45 @katieporteroc (D) 52% vs Walters (R) 45%
#CA48 @HarleyRouda (D) 48% vs Rohrabacher (R) 48%
#CA49 @MikeLevinCA (D) 55% vs.Harkey (R) 41%
#CA50 @ACampaNajjar (D) 47% Hunter (R) 49%

cc: @BlueWaveCS🌊
Not really that stoked about these Senate ratings changed by @CookPolitical:

🔥THREE Senate seats shift red:

#MTSen: Lean Dem ->Toss Up
#NESen: Likely Rep ->Solid Rep
#NJSen: Likely Dem ->Lean Dem
#OHSen: Lean Dem ->Likely Dem

Read 3 tweets

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