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Oct 21st 2020
The #EndSARS Movt ain't at war with @HQNigerianArmy nor @PoliceNG.

The ongoing battle for the soul of Nigeria is between the oppressed Nigerian citizens and their oppressors (Nigeria's elites).

With #LekkiMassacre, if we fail to beat these oppressors now, the future is bleak. ImageImageImageImage
Henceforth, #EndSARS Movement should adopt the below as the full meaning of SARS:


Until #WeThePeople rid our dear nation, #Nigeria of this Special Armed Robbery Squad (SARS) in high & low places, #NoGoingBack.

Let the battle begin now... Image
While #EndSARS Movement must continue to call for the arrest & prosecution of soldiers who carried out the #LekkiMassacre; other prior killings of innocent Nigerian citizens by rogues in uniforms, all eyes must be on the balls.

This Movt. must not be morphed into arms struggle. Image
Read 20 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
I cycled 8.41 miles in search of an ice cream and earned 70 BetterPoints with @BetterPoints⁩ ⁦@RideLeicester⁩ ⁦@bricycle⁩ ⁦@gavcarter90⁩ ⁦@OweniteAdam
A fine warm evening as I headed out in search of #wands on the protected #popupbikelanes - I rode the whole way on new or existing cycle lanes, some very old, others not quite finished, I didn’t find an ice cream but I saw a lot of #cones
Once in town, I headed for Granby Street and the contraflow #cyclelane where historically (Feb2020) there was always a vehicle blocking it - but the #wands are in, parking bays suspended for physical distancing and continental cafe culture, and a clear route to the train station
Read 20 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
So I went for a #cycle ride on the new pop up cycle lane last night - as I spotted this sign at the end of Western Park Road #A47 @ericonabike @RideLeicester @XrLeicester @SustransEMids @Maryam_Amatul @janet_rideleics @OweniteAdam gets some thoughts #NoGoingBack #getpedalling
The lane starts just after the pinch point of the railway bridge and uses the bus lane - it’s clearly marked but the entrance is narrow and the first sign is #MenAtWork which could give the impression of roadworks rather than a cycle lane as the cyclist in the last picture shows
Once you’re in the lane it provides protection though this ends at each of the side roads, dropped kerbs and bus stops along the route - the cones appeared to be sited inside the solid white line rather than on it
Read 13 tweets

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