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Apr 10th 2020
1/5 #NowIsNotTheTime for having visitors to our homes but that won’t hold Canadians down – nobody can host a better virtual celebration than Canadians on our #StaycationForTheNation. #COVID19 #WeWillGetThroughThis #CavaBienAller
2/5 As we #StayHomeCanada to #PlanktheCurve, let’s pat ourselves on the back because the efforts of all Canadians ARE making a difference. From the daily efforts of healthcare providers who are saving lives…
3/5 To #publichealth and lab professionals who are testing & tracing cases and essential workers who are keeping our hospitals & homes stocked... #COVID19
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
1/6 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: since the first travel-related cases, the epidemic has progressed through the onset of community spread, to outbreaks in long term care facilities, healthcare settings & vulnerable communities. Image
2/6 We knew from other countries’ experiences that this would not be easy, but thanks to the efforts of #publichealth & all Canadians, our health system is coping so far. We need to keep it this way. #COVID19 #PlanktheCurve #TeamCanada
3/6 Maintaining our collective resolve to #PlanktheCurve will be a challenge as the weather warms and holidays, including #Easter #Passover #Vaisakhi and #Ramadan, are upon us. #COVID19 #TogetherApart
Read 6 tweets

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