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Jun 7th 2023
Thought I'd take the opportunity of Oklahoma's attacks on public education getting national headlines to do a #thread on their GOP state superintendent of schools, Ryan Walters. Because hooooo boy the sledgehammer to the separation of church and state is just the beginning. (1/x) Oklahoma state superintende...
Walters took office earlier this year as superintendent, after serving as Secretary of Education under Governor Kevin Stitt (also GOP). He briefly held both roles, and while secretary was ALSO on the payroll of a non-profit funded by school privatizers.…
Walters also secured the no-bid contract with the company that distributed grants to families from federal coronavirus aid... $$$ intended for educational supplies, some of which got spent on TVs and gaming consoles due to lack of safeguards. Whoops.…
Read 15 tweets
May 16th 2023
A rare #oklaed thread from me, because it involves tax policy, and I nerd out on that. /1
The Oklahoma Legislature, with GOP supermajorities, has approved a private school tax credit bill that will *cost* $600 million in the next three years. /2
I know, I know. Labeling a tax credit a cost is *controversial* Whose money is it, if it isn’t yours or mine? The government’s? Hell no! /3
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May 15th 2023
It seems #okleg GOP leaders have found a deal on the #oklaed package. House Caucus heard details earlier and is allegedly supportive. Senate Caucus is meeting momentarily.

Here's a short thread 🧵of what I know, subject to final tweaks.

Start here. (1/?)…
Major details in the article above remain, so read that first.

New components seem to include:

• An extra $25M for Redbud
• A $3M-ish pilot program for elementary reading specialists
• A one-time $150M approp for "school safety" paid over 3 years.
• 6 week maternity leave.
Again, the full Senate GOP is just now hearing all the details, so how some things are put into bills may bet tweaked. The "school safety" part — involving school resource officers? — at $50M/year is one example.

I'm hearing $96,000/district? That would roughly = $50M. (3/?)
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May 12th 2023
On Ryan Walters, grants, toxicity, & lies. A 🧵

This news broke last PM when I was in a 🌪️ Warning out here in Norman, so I’m just now digging in. 👀 Wow. Though I don’t know Terri Grissom, I’ve heard from others at SDE who share her experiences. 1/4…
SDE has become a toxic work place where nothing gets done, everything is slowed down; the only constant is new folks working to curry favor with Walters and his puppeteer, Matt Langston. 2/4
We in #okleg were lied to by Walters about grants (& who knows what else) & this’ll cost our schools grant 💰 upon which many of them rely, esp in federal funding for special education. Could also cost the state as some of the granting orgs’ll clawback funds if not used. 3/4
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May 10th 2023
This morning, I said Monday's mediation among #okleg leads & governor seemed "fruitful," as rumors of a "deal" grew.

Ten hours later, leaders have hope, but many Q's remain.

Neither GOP Caucus loves the "compromise" #oklaed funding proposal I'm outlining in this thread 🧵 (1/7)
The #okleg GOP members were pitched a teacher pay plan like the Senate desired ($4K to $6K raises) but off-formula districts would also receive funding.

Staff stipends have been discussed? Unsure on details.

New #oklaed funding in the formula might be $360 million-ish? (2/7)
Here's the big sticking point: a revised form of the "#Oklahoma Student Fund," which aims to balance $ for urban districts & rural districts.

Previously, the Senate said "hell no" to the House's proposal to provide higher per-pupil new funds to rural districts than urban. (3/?)
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May 9th 2023
We've got House #JCAB! HB 2887 will appropriate $10.6 million to finish the State Veterans Center being built in Sallisaw. (The project came in way above budget owing to a variety of ... "complications," says House A&B Vice Chairman Ryan Martinez.)…
Now they advance HB 2888, which would send $38.6 million to the Water Resources Board for "upgrades to water and wastewater systems, located in Northeast Oklahoma along an inland waterway that supplies water and wastewater to major supply chain locations.”…
Now SB 1177 proposes creating some upfront rebate financing for the "Project Sirius" effort ... which is reportedly for an Enel #solar panel plant near the Port of Inola.

I explained it a bit in this article this morning.…
Read 6 tweets
May 9th 2023
Tuesday afternoon, the #okleg JCAB committees are set to hear 4 bills, one to give ODVA $10.9 million for finishing the Sallisaw #Veterans Home.

The other 3 involve at least one major economic development / business incentive deal, which may be the Enel solar panel plant. (1/?)
HB 2888 would appropriate $38.6 million "for upgrades to water and wastewater systems, located in Northeast Oklahoma along an inland waterway that supplies water and wastewater to major supply chain locations."

SB 1779 would put $180 million in a new "Perform Fund." (2/?)
Finally, SB 1777 would create the "Perform Act," which could let an entity investing at least $1 billion qualify for 5 "investment rebate payments" occurring at new-job benchmarks between 100 jobs and 1,400 jobs.

Here's the bill/act:…
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May 8th 2023
Quick thread 🧵 on #okleg budget negotiations @ the #Oklahoma Capitol.

I don't have a story yet to share with it, so I'll start with the @nondocmedia donation page in case you feel like supporting.

Anyway, today has been FULL or private meetings... (1/5)
Gov. Stitt, Speaker McCall & Senate PPT Treat have been meeting @ the gov mansion on #oklaed.

They brought in a mediator to help manage the convo.

I won't say who, but it's widely a respected attorney. I'd have a hard time identifying a better person for the job, frankly. (2/5)
While those legs of the proverbial Capitol stool are meeting across the street, House & Senate A/B chairman Wallace & Thompson met this afternoon at the Capitol.

"The budget is going good, but education is pretty slow," Wallace told me as he headed into the meeting. (3/5)
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May 1st 2023
State Superintendent Ryan Walters says he inherited an “absolute dumpster fire” from Joy Hofmeister at the State Department of Education. He just referred to the Teachers Union as a “terrorist organization.” #okleg #oklaed
Walters says 37 resignations and 7 firings at OSDE since last year, adds some were junior level and others higher level. Seventeen positions have been eliminated. Nine positions his agency is looking to fill.
Walters: We are 49th in education outcomes, that meant some folks had to go.
Read 17 tweets
May 1st 2023
My 14 year old trans kiddo has attempted suicide twice since the #OkLeg closed his gender affirming clinic in September. I hope the legislators are happy with the fact that they have removed children from receiving preventative care. We weren't even talking about surgery 🧵
or lifelong changes. We were talking about mental health, eating disorders, trauma, and how to have healthy relationships. By closing his clinic and increasing dangerous rhetoric, adult legislators have used my child as a pawn to keep power and have actively harmed him
and my entire family. My beautiful child who was raised in OK for nearly his entire life, we moved here when he was 4 months old. But this state has become so toxic we are leaving in a month. When we learned he was trans, we simply took him to the doctor for help.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
House Speaker @charles_mccall3 sent an editorial to rural papers across the state yesterday.

In it he says the Senate “carelessly amended” and “butchered educational choices for parents.” He also says “the Senate attacked rural public schools.” #OkLeg…
Full editorial includes a break down of the funding disparities for Public Schools between the Senate and House plan.
When asked for a response, @Sen_GregTreat says “it is unprecedented and unacceptable for a Speaker… to attack Senate members in their districts through the media.”
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Mar 14th 2023
The House is now considering HB1028, which would bar the use of corporal punishment on disabled students. You heard that right, they’re actually arguing about it. Rep. Jim Olsen just cited Proverbs: He that spareth his rod hateth his son. #okleg #oklaed
Rep. John Talley, the bill’s author: I don’t want to be known as a state that beats disabled kids.
We’re moving into DEBATE on a bill that would bar the use of corporal punishment on disabled children in the Oklahoma House.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
🧵This week, #okleg passed the "Shannon Hanchett Act," named for a woman who died in December awaiting a mental health evaluation at the Cleveland County jail. More on Hanchett and company responsible for her care in the jail in the link below.… 1/
House Bill 2157 recommends at least 20% of law enforcement take specialized training to respond to mental health crises. The course is called Crisis Intervention Training, CIT. The Norman officer who arrested Hanchett for false reporting & resisting arrest was not CIT trained. 2/ Image
I attended the 40-hour CIT course with about 30 officers. It was taught by a Norman Lieutenant who was hired last month to run the jail where Hanchett died after his predecessor resigned following the deaths of Hanchett and another detainee in December. 3/…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
My quick take on Walter’s SDE Budget plan so far: His plan is a mix of some of what Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, & Texas are doing and then sprinkling things in we’ve already invested in, like LETRS training. This is a Frankenplan! 🧵
His plan is asking for a ton of $ with very little deets. It’s like: “Just trust me and my SDE.”
Judging from the questions (from both sides of the aisle) Walters has a ton of work to do to build relationships & trust with #okleg
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Jan 24th 2023
@RyanWaltersSupt is addressing House members about the FY2024 budget, laying out his priorities for this year in education. #okleg Image
A lot of confusion on the floor. Walters is presenting Hofmeister’s budget that was previously approved, but wants to change the budget and present it next week.

There’s questions on why he’s presenting a budget with numbers he wants to change & if he can change them.
So they’re supposed to be doing a performance review, but Walters is going more into his education agenda. There’s definitely some tension in the room.

“l don’t want you to show me what you think.”-Rep. McBride
Read 9 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
One year ago today, I had to derail an important date because a grand jury indicted an #okleg member.

The stress of racing to the courthouse, getting the filing, ruining dinner and writing up a story could hardly portend the drama that would unfold. (1/8)…
Over 5 months, I wrote 5 more articles on the charges against Rep. Terry O’Donnell & his wife related to his bill that allowed her to become a tag agent.

In this one, Gov. Stitt & Sen. Thompson confirmed the House said HB 2098 was a 2019 "priority." (2/8)…
Tugging on the O’Donnell thread revealed other bad behavior.

On Jan. 27, I outlined the O’Donnell investigation's origin and compared his GJ indictment w/ the MCGJ indictment that was ultimately dismissed against David Ostrowe.

Enter: Mike Hunter. (3/8)…
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Dec 1st 2022
A report on Arizona's new universal school voucher program refutes many proponents' claims about these programs.
Since @GovStitt and @ryanmwalters are pushing for a similar plan in Oklahoma, let's take a look #okleg #oklaed 1/ Image
You've heard folks say vouchers help students escape failing schools, right?

Of the 31,750 students who applied, 96.5% of them live in a zip code with a school that's not rated D or F. The wealthy zip codes didn't even have any D or F schools. 2/ Image
And 80% of Arizona voucher applicants are not in public school. They are already in private schools, being homeschooled, or just starting school. 3/
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Oct 11th 2022
We are watching the #okleg house interim study regarding Sex Education and the Sexualization of Minors. All sponsors of this study are known for introducing anti-2SLGBTQ+ legislation.
Wow, we are already starting off on hateful rhetoric.

The first speaker, David Pickup, is a licensed psychotherapist in Texas and California who endorses conversion therapy. He states that nobody is born gay or transgender.

Pickup moves on to talk about pornography in schools.
The speaker is sharing blatantly false information about our 2SLGBTQ+ communities. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
Leaders of the #FiveTribes have gathered to announce their endorsement of @joy4ok for governor. Former Stitt secretary of Native American affairs is emceeing. Cherokee Chief @ChuckHoskin_Jr is up first.

It's no secret that Gov. Kevin Stitt has clashed with and angered tribes ... Image
Hoskin speaks of the importance of #oklaed and the #Cherokee Nation's history of educational priorities. He calls Hofmeister "a dedicated education professional" who understands "the very Cherokee idea of working together." (2/?) Image
Flashing back in time, briefly, I mentioned when former #okleg Republican representative Lisa Billy resigned from the Stitt cabinet in December 2019, less than a year after taking the post and watching him clash with tribal leaders over gaming compacts.…
Read 11 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
The more I think about how Stitt and #okleg have harmfully targeted trans youth (and the LGBTQ community in general), the more angry I get.

Here's why: As some of you know, I previously ran the adult HIV clinic at OU Health for more than 10 years. 🧵 /1
While it was technically the "adult" clinic, for years we saw adolescent patients because there WASN'T an adolescent medicine specialist on campus. They're hard to come by, especially in a place like Oklahoma. /2
When the ROY G. BIV program opened, we were thrilled! Specialized care for a vulnerable group of patients - exactly what is expected at a world-class academic health center. Finally Oklahoma teens had a health care option where they didn't feel judged. /3
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Sep 29th 2022
The Senate is hearing HB 1007. It appropriates hundreds of millions of dollars to university hospitals, but it says they can't use any of it for gender-affirming care. Link to the hearing:
Link to the bill:…
Minority Leader Kay Floyd: There was a comment that the majority of Oklahomans don't support gender-affirming care. Where did you get that figure?
Senate Pro Tempore Greg Treat: We haven't done polling, but that is the consensus in who is reaching out to our offices. #okhealth
Floyd: Minors have to have parents' permission to undergo any health care. Is this measure anti-choice?
Treat: We don't allow minors to make life-changing decisions — to get tattoos, buy cigarettes or enter contracts.
Floyd: Are you likening health care to getting a tattoo?
Read 46 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
We are at the #okleg hearing for SB3XX (transgender healthcare ban).

Sen. Treat (author) said he never walked the halls of OU Health or OU Children’s personally and just heard about the gender affirming care they provided this June.
Sen. Hicks asks Sen. Treat if he is aware of the American Academy of Pediatricians stance on gender affirming care.

Sen. Hicks asks if our legislature if going to ignore best practices medical care supported by numerous medical associations.
Sen. Hicks asks Sen. Treat: If the emergency clause is passed (meaning it becomes effective as soon as Governor signs it), what will happen to the hundreds of trans children who are already under the care of OU Health?
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Sep 23rd 2022
🧵ARPA funds for @Okla_Childrens?
#OKleg special session comes in wake of a story first reported by the UnWokable Substack last week,revealing that The University of Oklahoma Children’s Hospital (OUCH) provides medical transition services to children “under the age of 16 years.”
2/In the upcoming special session set to reconvene on September 28, 2022, Oklahoma legislators will decide if OU Children’s Hospital will receive “$46.9 million to expand emergency room capacity and “build long-term in patient bed capacity for children in mental health crisis.” Image
3/ Based on the intention of the of the Roy G Biv Program, underage transition surgeries would necessarily fall under the scope of what is considered a “mental health crisis,” for which a child would need “long-term in patient bed capacity.”
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Aug 5th 2022
HAPPENING NOW: The Oklahoma Veterans Commission has a regular meeting scheduled for today. However the commission has failed to reach a quorum. Interestingly this is the first meeting since Gov. Stitt removed the chair and vice chair. #okleg
Another interesting tidbit from today: ODVA Executive Director Joel Kinstel spoke w/ media after the non-meeting in his office, an office that was noticeable bare. When asked if he thought the Stitt appointees would attempt to fire him, Kinstel said, "I really don't know."
HAPPENING NOW: Former Vets Commission Chair Larry Van Schuyver and former Vice Chair Paul Costilow are suing Gov. Kevin Stitt in the wake of their dismissal, citing their support of ODVA Director Joel Kinstel’s gubernatorial run as a key reason. #okleg
Read 7 tweets

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