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#PAMFAM #PAM My Sunday Revelations

Like many of journey started in 2017 looking for answers & truth.
Today we rejoice in knowing our democracy stands...

Good people who fought hard, who awakened to truth of where we were wasn't good.

We rose up to push back the darkness that befell on us these last 4 years.

It changed all of us, it changed me.
The fight was much bigger...more than I could have ever imagined...nor did I want.

I knew inside after Christmas of 2016...something changed, something shifted...not knowing what. I was recovering from the flu in January, 2017...Sick since Christmas.
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🌞#PAMFAM🌞I Got a Pocketful of Sunshine

Get your sunshine on & smile!

Do what you're never gonna break me🎧🎶

Wish you could...but you ain't gonna own me 🎶🎶🎶🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
🌞I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh-oh
Do what you want but you're never gonna break me
Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me, oh, oh-oh
Read 7 tweets
#PAMFAM #PAM Women of Faith-Stronger Together!

Calling all women: It’s time to take our stand together against tyranny and injustice!
We are women of faith from a wide range of traditions and united by common values.…
As racism infects policies ranging from policing to immigration to pandemic response, only an intersectional, multiracial, multifaith movement can undo the damage. As white supremacist domestic terrorists radicalized by President Donald Trump’s rhetoric
Read 16 tweets

What's the deal with the First Amendment? What does it mean? What exactly does it protect? And why is it so important?…
🇺🇸First Amendment anniversary: What it says, why it's a cornerstone of democracy

Friday marks the 231st anniversary of the passage of the First Amendment...

The day — Sept. 25 — is known as First Amendment Day.…
It was one of several amendments passed by Congress on Sept. 25, 1791 & sent to the states to ratify. Those amendments together are known as the Bill of Rights.

But the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment.
Read 3 tweets

My Covid Garden

Love Blooms Where Planted! Image
I had to take a break for awhile & practice self-care.

I spent my time in my flower garden & worked on my covid tan.

Feeling the sun, watching the birds & butterflies go by...does wonders. Image
4 Stalks & 13 beautiful & fragrant blooms!

Stargazer Lillie's - 1st year grown in a pot. Image
Read 37 tweets
#PAMFAM #PAM This is what democracy looks like!

Our people are crying out for justice & change.

Silent no more...

Images From the Past 24 Hours…
One week after the start of demonstrations over the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, protests in cities and towns across the United States have been growing, despite curfews and aggressive policing methods in some places. Image
Thousands of people took to the streets in Minneapolis, Orlando, New York, Denver, Boston, Seattle, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington, D.C., and many more cities, expressing anger and frustration over ongoing police brutality and systemic racism. Image
Read 5 tweets
#PAMFAM #PAM Mourning

This week we mourn our 100,000 + dead as a result of covid.

We mourn the men & women who gave all for their service & sacrifice to our country.

We mourn the tragic & senseless death of George Floyd & all who have lost their lives to senseless violence.
We mourn & grieve for the lives we lost & also for the lack of empathy, compassion & sympathy from a failed administration that doesn't care about American lives...only profit, power & their bottom line.
We have to do better, we have to care what happens to each other & our communities. We have to recognize what's binding our hearts & minds with hatred, fear & division towards another human being & fix it.
Read 10 tweets
🧵#PAMFAM #PAM🧵Calling all sewers!

Want to help make face masks for doctors & nurses?

Here is the link from Maddow!

h/t @mikes_booh @karolcummins

🧵Video of sewing face masks!
To buy time as cases grow, Providence infection control is creating face shields with materials from their shelves - marine-grade vinyl, industrial tape, foam and elastic.
Read 8 tweets
🗳️#PAMFAM #PAM🗳️ I voted for our Democracy.

I'm so thankful I voted early in my primary...normally I wouldn't be voting until June, however it was changed.

I wish there were some magic words, some epiphany that could help voters make a wise choice.
When I casted my ballot a week ago, I didn't just think of myself, I made my decision who will be the best leader, to restore & protect our democracy, who will serve the people, not themselves, who will reverse the damage from the last 4 years healing our people & country.
I thought of my family, my community & my country, all of us. I agonized for weeks over my decision as I know we have this one chance to fix, to restore & to build a better future for all of us...we all have needs, but no one will benefit if we don't choose wisely.
Read 12 tweets
Hey folks,

I am taking a bit of a break from the nightly #NutShellReport to take a bit of a break & catch up on some projects.

I will tweet out the news in the am & sporadically after that, as big news breaks.

I will resume here & there.

TY for your understanding.

xoxo, K
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Federal judges' association calls emergency meeting after DOJ intervenes in case of Trump ally Roger Stone

Feds may bring Parnas investigation closer to Giuliani — new charges may be incoming.

Judge sets Tuesday phone hearing in Roger Stone case—sentencing Thurs.

Feds are probing Giuliani's actions, including his efforts to oust Yovanovitch, then-US amb to Ukraine, & push for an inv’n into the son of Trump's political rival Joe Biden.

In the case of Fraud Guarantee, investigators have focused on the marketing pitch.

Feds are probing whether the men duped investors about the value of the company & how they intended to use the proceeds,

The $500k payment to Giuliani for work with Fraud Guarantee came just as Parnas/Fruman began helping Giuliani dig up dirt on Biden. #Firtash
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More than 1,100 ex-DOJ officials call for Barr’s resignation

Barr's actions spark unease among US prosecutors

Berman has repeatedly pushed for actions on certain politically sensitive cases in opposition to DOJ leadership, most notably the indictment of Halkbank

A Presidency Increasingly Guided by Suspicion and Distrust

Presidential paranoia is not a new phenomenon but Trump, burned by impeachment, seems to have elevated it to a governing philosophy of his WH.

Supreme Court overturns MI partisan gerrymandering ruling

Racketeering Hammer Gives U.S. Legal Boost Against Huawei

Coronavirus: First death confirmed in Europe

Saudis don't want to de-escalate tensions with Iran, Zarif says

Paradise Papers To Help Recover $45m In Lithuanian Bank Conspiracy
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Barr Installs Outside Prosecutor to Review Case Against Flynn

Graham asks AG Barr to make witnesses available for probe into “Crossfire Hurricane” & “FISA”

Yes, it looks like Barr can’t stop pending prosecutions, so they are seeking to dirty up the Mueller inv’n.

Barr has sent outside prosecutors to review politically sensitive cases.

The outside prosecutors have begun grilling line prosecutors in the DC office about various cases — some public, some not — including inv steps, prosecutorial actions and why they took them.

📌The review is highly unusual & could trigger more accusations of political interference by top DOJ officials into the work of career prosecutors.

Trump contradicts past denials, admits sending Giuliani to Ukraine
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After Trump’s Attacks on DOJ., Barr Says He Will Not ‘Be Bullied’
#SureJan 🙄

Trump’s Angry Vendetta Against Rule of Law

Trump’s post-impeachment purges prove the impotence of checks & balances when confronted by a ruthless mobbed up president who knows no bounds

As sentencing approaches,Stone turns to former mob lawyer for help

Barr is Inv’g CIA Resistance to Sharing Russia Secrets 🙄

Dunham is scrutinizing the agents and analysts who sought to understand Russia’s covert operation to help Trump win the 2016 election.

Barr/Durham are pursuing a theory that the CIA under John O. Brennan, had a preconceived notion about RU or was trying to get to a particular result &/or “nefariously” trying to keep other agencies from seeing the full picture lest they interfere w/ that goal.
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Trump implicates Barr directly in controversial Roger Stone decision

Barr to testify before House Judiciary Committee March 31

The arrangement comes as Democrats have demanded answers about Barr's apparent intervention in the sentencing of Roger Stone.

Jessie Liu has been overseeing a number of politically charged prosecutions that included the case against Trump associates Stone, Flynn, Manafort and other spinoffs from the Mueller inv’n.

She was informed that Trump was pulled her nom Tuesday afternoon.

Pelosi calls for investigation into Roger Stone sentencing recommendation

House Democrats ask Secret Service for details about its payments to Trump’s company

Harris demands Barr testify over Roger Stone sentence recommendation
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4 feds w/draw amid escalating DOJ fight over Stone’s prison term

Barr is interfering in matters of interest to Trump e.g. Stone & Flynn sentencing

Barr removed Jessie Lui & replaced her with Shea, one of his aides.

Lui had been overseeing the inv’n into McCabe

McCabe has not been charged, despite calls by Trump for him to go to prison.

“This signals to me that there has been a political infestation," says Chuck Rosenberg.

“And that is the single most dangerous thing that you can do to the Department of Justice."

"I've never seen this happen, ever," said Gregory Brower. "I'd be shocked if the judge didn't order the US atty to come into ct to explain it."

Trump Budget Would Fray Social Safety Net

Proposals for cuts in SNAP, housing & edu cd exacerbate inequality in the US
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Feds request up to 9 years in prison for Roger Stone—Feb 20.

Feds gear up for fight with Flynn over his guilt by attempting to use his former lawyers against him

DOJ Gave $500K Grant to 'Hookers for Jesus' Instead of Established Anti-Trafficking Groups

In Any Sane Country, Trump's New Budget Would Be Political Suicide

Cutting the CDC in the middle of a pandemic is not viable in a functioning republic.

Trump budget calls for cutting Medicaid, ACA by about $1 trillion

Trump's proposal would cut $465 billion from Medicare providers such as hospitals & the Children’s Health Insurance Program

Pentagon Says $5B to Be Shifted in Budget

SecDef proposes shifting resources away from about 50 medical facilities, military newspaper
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Trump will re­lease a $4.8 tril­lion bud­get propos­ing steep cuts to Medicare & Medicaid & for­eign aid & higher out­lays for de­fense & vet­er­ans.

The stock market's 30% gain in 2019 was part backed by the Fed's decision to cut US interest rates 3x &

Inject more than $1 TRILLION of temporary financing into the repo market.

It also added more than $400B to its balance sheet in the 4th qtr.

DEMs Query Powell on Regulatory Response to Repo Blowup

Klobuchar Raises $2 Million Off Strong Debate Performance

Fight over Trump’s impeachment shifts to battle over the impact on Senate races

The Senate’s I trial of Trump may have ended, but the political fallout will continue for weeks & possibly months to come.

Twitter says Facebook, Messenger accounts hacked
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James Carville: The fate of the world depends on the Democrats getting their sh*t together and winning in November.


And so far, I don’t like what I see.

And a lot of people I talk to feel the same way.

@dnc @tomperez @SpeakerPelosi

Going forward I will quote Carville. No quotes = me.

We won in 2018 b/c we stayed narrowly focused on issues near & dear to the ♥️s of American families.

To win in 2020, it is imperative we continue to focus on core issues: Wages, safety & HC: making ends meet.

“We have candidates (Warren) on the debate stage talking about open borders & decriminalizing illegal immigration.“

This strikes fear in the hearts of Americans L, R & C.

Open borders benefits TOC — they wont have to ‘smuggle” anymore they can just right walk in
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Obama team’s response to Russian election interference fell short

Fears about stoking a politically charged election season w/ vocal alerts about RU’s activity created a snowball effect, b/c of PBO’s adm’s “tempered”response to the RU’s attack on the 2016 elex.

📌Thus ‘tempered” response ultimately allowed the Russian campaign to proliferate relatively unchecked.

📌Part of the problem was an incomplete understanding of the scope of the effort, and a delay in definitively attributing the incursions to Russia.

The extent to which Russia “could target & manipulate election systems” was “unknown” at the time, as was the scope of the threat, b/c the adm had a “bifurcated” approach to RU, treating its cyber and geopolitical capacities “as separate issues until August 2016.”
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Arron Banks Boasted of WikiLeaks Backchannel after Farage’s secret meeting with Assange.

Cambridge Analytica involved in the Brexit referendum, lobbying efforts in the U.S. on behalf of a foreign power, & breach of data-protection law by pro-Brexit/Trump campaigners.

Banks also ‘joked’ about being a “full agent” of the RU state a couple of weeks after Trump was elected president.

Farage may have been used as a conduit between the WH and WikiLeaks, which the CIA has described as a “hostile intelligence service” aided by Russia.

Two weeks after meeting Trump in D.C. in Feb 2017, Farage was spotted leaving Ecuador’s embassy

Farage delivered material to Assange via a thumb drive containing the hacked material.

WikiLeaks shortly thereafter published damaging messages hacked from HRC’s
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The Ukrainian “Drug Deal” & All the President’s Lawyers

Bolton reveals Trump’s trial is more corrupt than we thought

First, this shows that Trump’s chief counsel for his impeachment defense, Pat Cipollone, might have been a fact witness to the very corrupt scheme.

&for which the Senate is now set to acquit him.

Bolton placed Cipollone in the room w/ Trump as he ordered Bolton to pressure Zelensky to work w/ Giuliani to set up a shadow op that would subvert our foreign policy & nat’l interest to Trump’s corrupt political ends

In May, in the Oval Oval Trump directed Bolton, to help with his pressure campaign to gin up damaging info on DEMs from UKR officials

Mulvaney, Giuliani & the WH counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, who is now leading Trump’s impeachment defense, attended the meeting.
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During a convo in Aug w/ Trump, Bolton mentioned his concern over the delay of the $391M in congressionally appropriated assistance to Ukraine as a deadline neared to send the money.

Trump: No aid to UKR until they agree to give him materials re inv’ns he sought.

Specifically Trump preferred sending no assistance to Ukraine until officials had turned over all materials they had about the Russia inv’n related to Biden & supporters of HRC in Ukraine,

Trump was at odds with his senior national security officials

Per Bolton, Pompeo & Esper joined him in pressing Trump to release the aid in the weeks leading up to the Aug meeting.

Bolton says he talked to Barr & Pompeo abt Giuliani.

Pompeo admitted to Bolton last spring that Giuliani’s claims abt Yovanovitch, had no basis.
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Firtash's alleged role in the effort to smear Biden stem from an explicit quid pro quo deal with TeamTrump.

In exchange for Firtash's help in TeamTrump’s effort to damage Biden, Parnas assured Firtash they would make his U.S. legal troubles disappear.

“Firtash is at the dead center of the greatest corruption operation in Ukraine’s history,” said a former senior US diplomat who served in the region.

“He managed the flow of natural gas from RU to UKR and beyond & it kept Ukraine dependent on Russia’s gas supplies.”

“Firtash is more of a purveyor of bribes than a proper businessman.”

“He has essentially been used by the Russians to buy political power in Ukraine,” said Aslund.

“He’s the person who has spent the most money on behalf of the Kremlin on Ukraine’s politicians.”
Read 49 tweets

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