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Intermittent fasting (IF) diets are worse for your blood sugar and blood pressure, new meta-analysis finds. Image
In yesterday's post I discussed a large-scale study showing that IF diets are no better for fat loss than other diets, given the same macronutrient intakes. Many people are aware of this now, but many people still practice IF diets for their proposed health benefits.
A new meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials finds that intermittent energy restriction diets are actually not healthier than diets with constant energy restriction.
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Red meat consumption does not cause cardiovascular disease,
new systematic review says Image
Red meat consumption is correlated with cardiovascular disease in many studies. However, people that eat more red meat on average also have a significantly worse lifestyle than people that eat less red meat.
They smoke more, they consume more sugar and they're less wealthy. So is red meat or one of these other factors the culprit? Covariate analyses are always limited by knowing the covariate and having it in your data set, among other limitations.
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Many people are under the impression that keto diets are better for fat loss but worse for muscle growth than higher-carb diets.
Last week I posted a review on the ketogenic diet for concurrent athletes that concluded keto diets are actually equally effective for both fat loss and muscle growth.
Now a new meta-analysis specifically on strength trainees, both male and female, concluded that keto diets are indeed equally effective to gain muscle.
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A new systematic review of the literature investigated how fast you should perform your reps. Their conclusions were: Image
A new systematic review of the literature investigated how fast you should perform your reps. Their conclusions were:
For strength development: 1 second concentric (upward phase typically), 2-4 second eccentric (lowering phase typically), no pauses.
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After a single with 90% of 1RM, you can perform more reps across 4 sets of squats at 70% of 1RM. Image
That's what a new study by De Freitas et al. found. This phenomenon is called post-activation potentiation and it's one of my favorite advanced training techniques.
I use it in particular for these 2 groups of clients:
1) Powerlifters, obviously. If you're going to do heavy singles anyway, PAP(E) is a nice way to get some free extra volume for your hypertrophy work. It also helps you be explosive during the lighter sets.
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The researchers had 2 groups of women and 2 groups of men train to either a 20% velocity loss per set or a 40% velocity loss per set. In other words, one group trained closer to failure than the other by performing more reps per set.⁣
Overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups, but the magnitudes of improvement differed between groups. Women showed greater effect size gains from training closer to failure than men for 1RM strength and power.⁣
I agree with the overall conclusion of the researchers, although we need a lot more research on strength training women.
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Raw eggs are often listed as a poor protein source due to their poor digestibility. We digest barely half of the protein in them.

Yet somehow they stimulate just as much muscle growth as boiled eggs, according to this new study.
Anabolic signaling (mTOR) and myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis (MPS) over the 5-hour post-workout recovery period were similar after eating 30 g of protein from either raw or boiled eggs.
This finding surprised me, as well as the authors. It's plausible that raw eggs are indeed an inferior protein source, but the study was underpowered to detect the difference or that MPS hit a ceiling effect.
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Hello, everyone!

We're going to kickstart our weekly #GlobalEChats discussion thread. This week, we'll talk about #fitness #personal #trainer as #entrepreneurs and how #tech can change everything!

Ready? Let's go!
Let's first start with two possibilities in the future.

1. We no longer need humans as #PT personal trainers at the #gym or #field. All will be replaced by #tech and smart applications! 😲

2. Human PTs will still be demanded but will utilise #tech to improve their coaching!
Do you think #1 is truly possible? It seems a bit far-fetched, no?

Meet @ollinfit! Ollinfit is a set of three wearable sensors and smartphone app that work together as your personal trainer. Say what???

Using Ollinfit, you'll be able to workout without needing human coaching!
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