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Nov 11th 2021
On #ArmisticeDay we also recognise and honour the service of military surgeons, whose dedication pioneered major advancements in #medicine, and improved outcomes for veterans.

A thread about #PlasticSurgery and its origins on the battlefield

🪡🧵 Image
Never before #WWI had conflict brought such mass devastation in terms of death and injury: 37M military and civilian casualties. 16M dead and 21M wounded.

Image: the Western Front during WWI, generations of trenches & thousands of craters from mortars, artillery & detonations. Image
During 4 years of #WWI, military surgeons developed new techniques on the battlefield and in supporting hospitals.

In the war’s final 2 years, their work resulted in more survivors of injuries that would have previously proved mortal. Image
Read 17 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
How did the inspiration of @_SocialSX come into fruition?

"A cloud based social media platform to connect people with healthcare providers around the world".

The story 🧵
It all started with 200lbs lost, 11+ surgeries, health issues and community.

I could not find any information on any platform and when I did I had to go get user insights in real time. Having users everyday people be support was 100% better then the provider insight.
So Social SX was created and the community grew taking over the platform for Healthcare resources and information.. and best thing about it?? They NEVER had to leave the group for anything. Everything was in one place at the click of a button.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 10th 2021
We proudly share the first @CovidSurg @GlobalSurg paper published in @Anaes_Journal based on the world’s biggest data about surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Hopefully, it will guide practice.

📃It is open access and you can read it here 👇…
@CovidSurg @GlobalSurg Week was an international, prospective cohort study with more than 140,000 surgical patients from 116 countries enrolled 🌏🌎🌍

We compared 30-day postoperative mortality in previously infected patients with SARS-CoV-2 vs patients who never were infected
Previously infected patients having surgery at 0-2, 3-4, 5-6 weeks after the infection have higher mortality rates than patients who never got infected with SARS-CoV-2 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020
OK! Here goes nothing. My first ever #tweetorial on the Coordinated Interview Release process for #Match2021.

This will be broken up into five parts:
1) What
2) Why
3) Who
4) How
5) Alternatives

#MedEd #MedStudentTwitter
Formatting inspired by the great @DrStevenTChen.
Starting with WHAT. What is a coordinated interview release?

A coordinated interview release 📨 is when numerous residency programs (ideally all programs*) agree to send out their interview invites on the same pre-determined day (or time frame) to applicants.
*It's important to note that programs are constrained by factors out of their control – especially this year with #COVID19 & the coordinated release process being new for most specialties. Those who could not participate this year should in no way be viewed negatively.🆗!!
Read 18 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
Warning : Images with Blood / Images with Mutilated Face Ahead. Viewer Discretion Adviced

Last Week, this person has sustained a injury face due to crackers.

This was how he was bought to the #RGGGH (Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital)

This was the 3D Reconstruction of the CT Scan

A Team of OroFacialMaxillo Surgeons from Madras Dental College and Plastic Surgeons from Madras Medical College (the Duty Assistant Plastic Surgeon did MCh parallel to me and we have worked in Trauma Ward Together a lot) and the
Read 5 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
The use of a dermatome to harvest a skin graft is a familiar sight within any modern plastic surgery operating room. But how and when did the practice of skin grafting start? (1/14)
#plasticsurgery #historyofmedicine
According to some accounts, the use of skin grafts can be traced back to ancient India, where the Tilemaker caste utilised skin taken from the gluteal region, which they then beat with wooden slippers, in the correction of nasal defects incurred as punishment. (2/14)
The use of skin grafts then disappeared for 2,500 years and re-emerged in the 19th Century with reports by Cooper and Bünger of their successful use of skin grafts in humans. Bünger published on his work in 1823. (3/14)
Read 14 tweets
Jun 10th 2019
இந்துக்கள் கண்டுபிடித்த பிளாஸ்டிக் அறுவை சிகிச்சை!!!
சுஷ்ருதா ஸம்ஹிதா.
#retweet #plasticsurgery #ancienthindu #india

அறுவை சிகிச்சை மற்றும் பிளாஸ்டிக் அறுவை சிகிச்சை நிறுவியவர்களின் தலைவராக இருந்த சுஷ்ருதா இந்தியாவில் 600 முதல் 1000 பி.சி. வரை வாழ்ந்தார்.
இந்திய மருத்துவ இலக்கியத்தில் மிகச்சிறந்த நூல்களில் ஒன்றான அவரது சுஷ்ருதா சம்ஹிதா (சுஷ்ருதாவின் கூட்டு) இந்தியாவில் உள்ள அறுவை சிகிச்சையின் பண்டைய பாரம்பரியத்தை விவரிக்கிறது. வாரணாசி நகரம் (காசி, பெனாரஸ்) தற்போது அவர் வாழ்ந்து, கற்பித்தது,
மற்றும் நடைமுறையில் இருந்தது, குறிப்பாக அவரது புதுமையான முற்காப்பு முறையை நினைவுகூறினார். சுஷுருதாவும் நீரிழிவு நோயைப் பற்றிப் பேசுகிறார், இது மத்மேஹே எனக் குறிப்பிடுகிறார்,
Read 20 tweets

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