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Sep 20th 2020
Foley Square is lit up for #RBGRIP.
With @ResistanceRev leading the way. #RIPRBG #RuthBaderGinsburg
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Sep 19th 2020
📌 Datos notables de la jueza #RuthBaderGinsburg:

📣 Jamás faltó a ninguna audiencia oral a pesar de la fuerte quimioterapia que recibió durante años por tres tipos de cáncer.

👉🏻 Tampoco lo hizo en 2010 tras la muerte de su esposo.
🇺🇸 El 18 de junio, #RuthBaderGinsburg votó junto con los cinco magistrados que apoyaron la continuidad de #DACA para más de 650,000 #dreamers.

#RBG #RBGRevolution #RBGRIP
📌 En 2012, #RuthBaderGinsburg publicó otra de sus opiniones más remarcables cuando defendió la constitucionalidad del #Obamacare.

👉🏻 También apoyó la potestad del Congreso de adoptar leyes de beneficencia social.
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Sep 19th 2020
THREAD: Current Republican senators saying, as a matter of principle in their minds, there should be no Supreme Court vacancy filled during an election year.

As @LindseyGrahamSC says, this applies even for a Republican president... #HonorRBG #RBGRIP

THREAD: Sen. @MarcoRubio (R-FL) in 2016: “I don’t think we should be moving on a nominee in the last year of this president’s term — I would say that if it was a Republican president .” #HonorRBG
THREAD: Sen. @TedCruz (R-TX), 2016: "It has been 80 years since a Supreme Court vacancy was nominated and confirmed in an election year. There is a long tradition that you don't do this in an election year." #HonorRBG
Read 15 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
“Tonight we mourn #RuthBaderGinsberg. Tomorrow we fight for her legacy." @KamalaHarris

#RBG fought to the end with unwavering faith in our democracy. That’s how we remember her. But she also left instructions for how she wanted her legacy to be honored.” @BarackObama
"Dissenting opinions speak to a future age. The greatest dissents do become court opinions & gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that's the dissenter's hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow." #RuthBaderGinsberg
“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.”
#RuthBaderGinsberg #RBGRIP #RIPRGB #RBGForever #RBG
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Sep 19th 2020… Let's end pancreatic cancer. Cannabis is part of the answer. We need more research! In below image, GEM is a chemo drug and SR1 is a synthetic cannabinoid. #RBGRIP @petenajarian @jonnajarian @tferriss @PanCAN @laurenepowell… Image
This paper was published in 2011 based on Italian research. Over 100 citations to this work. But this research still can't be carried out in the US due to the fact that cannabis is still a Schedule 1 controlled substance. ImageImageImage
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Sep 19th 2020
It’s a moving scene outside the United States Supreme Court as thousands come out to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg @NewsNationNow
Thousands of people out here, outside of one incident where a few ppl where yelling on a loudspeaker, this has been remarkably somber on the steps of the US Supreme Court #RBGRIP Image
Outside the Supreme Court right now #RGB #RuthBaderGinsburg #NexstarDC @NewsNationNow
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Sep 19th 2020
-There will be NO nominee announced to replace #RBGRIP until after #Election20120.

Here's why:
1. At least 4 GOP Members of the #Senate will come out against such a move-- for their personal political survival.
Why there will NOT be a nominee to replace #RBGRIP before #Election2020:

2. GOP will want to use this as primary election issue: Much harder to do this if they've already rammed a nomination through.
Why there will NOT be a nominee to replace #RBGRIP before #Election2020:

3. If election turns on a *specific* #SupremeCourt nominee (rather than a soon-to-be-named one): Huge risk for GOP, since no nominee will be fully vetted. They don't need replay of #Kavanaugh hearing.
Read 6 tweets

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