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Oct 21st 2020
Bet Diana would have done a fucking iconic photoshoot with Meghan Markle for Vanity Fair by now and it sucks I don’t get to stan AND lampoon it. It sucks for all of us.
Had to delete this and write it again coz my phone’s autocorrect is out of control and mugs me off constantly.
Thinking about canvassing for Labour with Diana now. They pair us up together in Crawley and stop for lunch at the Burger King in the County Mall. Diana and I share a large fries between us coz otherwise you fill up on them and don’t enjoy the second half of your Whopper.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
On July 16, 2018, Concord Management and Consulting LLC filed a motion to dismiss Robert Mueller's indictment against the company.

Attorneys for the Russian company listed 4 reasons to dismiss. What judge was cited 9 times...and another 2 times?

🔥🔥Yes, Brett Kavanaugh. The judge cited twice=Gorsuch. Is this a coincidence?

▶️One of the 4 reasons Concord's lawyers moved to dismiss was that they claimed Concord had no knowledge that the crime they were committing was actually a crime. Kavanaugh supported this theory.
9⃣Yes, Brett Kavanaugh's opinions are cited NINE times by a Russian company seeking to get Mueller's charges dropped.

Mueller charged Concord, 2 other Russian companies and 12 foreigners associated with Russia for illegally using social media platforms to SOW POLITICAL DISCORD.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
💥We have an unindicted co-conspirator in the White House.

📈📉The stock market, just about the only argument Trump🍊 has left, is irrelevant.

🐘Republicans have chosen just about everything over doing the right thing. The truth emerges. It's Money.

🦵🏽Purge the CORRUPTION!



🙄Oh yeah, and "FLIPPING" should not be illegal.
Read 19 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
💥💥Somebody Attacked Opponent (Dr. Hans Keirstead) of ‘Putin’s Favorite Congressman’ DANA ROHRABACHER.

🔥Dr. Keirstead lost by 125 votes!!

💥More evidence to back up @NelsonForSenate's claims about Russians infiltrating #Florida's election system!

⚡️Come on, let's get on this! This is ridiculous.


🇷🇺Rohrabacher might have closer ties to Russia than Trump. He has to go, ASAP!

Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
🚀This new Space Program announcement is very suspicious.

⏲️Such coincidental timing!!

☠️The Trump administration is getting "ready" to implement new sanctions for the poisonings of Sergei V. Skripal and his daughter Yulia.…
😳Actually the deadline was 2 weeks ago.

💌Rep. Ed Royce had to write the administration a letter to remind them.

🚀Now, all of a sudden, Pence is announcing plans for absolute "dominance" in creating a Space Force by 2020. No ordinary space force.

🇷🇺We need Russian rockets!
‼️This is sooooooooo transparent.

🤣And ludicrous.

🔨Just implement the damn sanctions.

Read 4 tweets

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