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Oct 4th 2018
On July 16, 2018, Concord Management and Consulting LLC filed a motion to dismiss Robert Mueller's indictment against the company.

Attorneys for the Russian company listed 4 reasons to dismiss. What judge was cited 9 times...and another 2 times?

🔥🔥Yes, Brett Kavanaugh. The judge cited twice=Gorsuch. Is this a coincidence?

▶️One of the 4 reasons Concord's lawyers moved to dismiss was that they claimed Concord had no knowledge that the crime they were committing was actually a crime. Kavanaugh supported this theory.
9⃣Yes, Brett Kavanaugh's opinions are cited NINE times by a Russian company seeking to get Mueller's charges dropped.

Mueller charged Concord, 2 other Russian companies and 12 foreigners associated with Russia for illegally using social media platforms to SOW POLITICAL DISCORD.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018

I have heard non-stop complaints from the right about "hysterical" and unfair Democratic treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, and even praising Lindsay Graham's diatribe in the hearing last week (e.g. Kathleen Parker's recent nauseating column).
As far as I've seen, Democratic politicians have bent over backwards to be fair and judicious about Brett Kavanaugh. However, the Democratic base is definitely upset, and they have every reason to be upset.
What's rarely said but is the silently screaming subtext to all this anger is that Brett Kavanugh will be a hard conservative vote on the Supreme Court that the rightwing hopes and the leftwing fears will not only insulate Trump from ongoing investigations but
Read 12 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
💥Heidi Heitkamp's GOP Opponent Is Saying Too Much re: Kavanaugh


Heidi Heitkamp 202-224-2043
Collins 202-224-2523
Lisa Murkowski 202-224-6665
Joe Donnelly 202-224-4814
Joe Manchin 202-224-3954
Jeff Flake 202-224-4521
Jon Kyl 202-224-2235…
💥💥Please read: best argument is that the The American Bar Association has called for the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay voting until an FBI investigation can be completed. The “appointment is simply too important to rush to a vote.” -ABA

🔗Link to faxzero where you can send free faxes. Fax numbers are provided for all Senators.

1, Kavanaugh needs an FBI investigation into sexual assault/rape charges
2. His temperament is not suitable for #SCOTUS
3. He committed perjury multiple times
Read 9 tweets
Sep 26th 2018
For women in the US:
1/6 are survivors of attempted rape
1/3 (54M)are survivors of sexual violence
77% don’t report
1.9% falsely accuse

I stand with a “Trinity” of brave, heroic survivors who spoke up:
Christine Blasey Ford
Deborah Ramirez
Julie Swetnick

It took me a decade of denial to realize what it was. I blamed myself & believed the lie–victims are weak. The SOL passed– I wanted the memory erased. It was tucked away safe til #MeToo

#WhyIDidntReport was validated when I told 3: 1 a trusted “ally” & he didn’t believe my word.
If this has been triggering for you in any way—please reach out
Nat’l Sexual Assault Hotline:

@RAINN has an excellent thread on resources on self care for survivors or how to support them.

I’m also here to listen. You’re not alone. #MeToo

Read 3 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
This is perjury, plain and simple.

Feel free to tag your Senator in the replies and tell him/her what you think of the @GOP burying the record of—and rushing to confirm—this extremely crooked nominee.
As the incontrovertible evidence of #Kavanaugh’s perjury in 2004, 2006 and 2018 piles up, it’s hard to argue with @brianefallon’s suggestion that #Democrats make a criminal referral to the Justice Department. #NoSCOTUSVote
“By his own standard, Kavanaugh should clearly be impeached,” writes Lisa Graves in @slate. Graves wrote some of the stolen memos that Kavanaugh lied to the Senate about. (via @maddow) #ImpeachKavanaugh #BlockBrett
Read 8 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
Today is the day!

It’s time to flood the streets & show our Senators that we demand they vote NO.

We are protesting to stop an extreme pick for a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS bench.

Join us.

Find your event here 👉

Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator implicated in committing a felony & illegally influencing the election.

He picked Kavanaugh for his view that a POTUS should be exempt from investigations, indictments & the law.

If you can’t make it to a protest, protest online.

Read 3 tweets

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