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Nov 1st 2022
📉 The Tories have tanked our economy and we are facing more massive cuts.

💡Scrapping 5 biggest road schemes would ‘nearly halve budget deficit'

🧵 A thread on why we need to scrap road building plans for the sake of our economy AND our environment 👇…
🌍 Building new roads is absolutely the wrong thing to do in a #ClimateEmergency

🚛 Roads increase traffic, noise, air pollution and carbon emissions

💰 The 5 largest road schemes in the pipeline as part of #RIS2 all have weak economic cases and will cost £16BILLION! @StopRIS2 An aerial photo of multiple...
1️⃣ £10 BILLION - Lower Thames Crossing

A tunnel connecting Kent and Essex under the Thames estuary. 14.3 miles of new road and widening of the A2 and M2 in Kent

This will bring a massive increase in emissions and loss of wildlife and surrounding natural areas

Follow @tcaginfo An artist impression showin...
Read 13 tweets
Apr 10th 2021
🌍 The way we talk about infrastructure projects in the U.K. is utterly broken. HS2 receives nationwide coordinated attacks on the project as a whole, but the drastically more destructive road construction (#RIS2) is left to be fought separately by small local efforts.
I suspect much of this is because “cars are normal”, and partly that the cost benefit analysis of HS2 has been warped so badly by disinformation. that people think there’s barely any benefits, and the environmental costs have been presented with no context.
There’s the other concern that I hear a lot. The dreaded HS2 Ltd.

Can we for a moment separate the two ideas of:

1. HS2 (high speed rail releasing capacity on the existing network to reduce road/air passengers and freight)

2. HS2 Ltd the company managing the project
Read 12 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020
We know many very committed Greens are involved in these protests against #HS2, concerned about the loss of habitat and woodland - we respect their dedication. But they’re protesting about the wrong thing - the real enemy is the #RIS2 roads programme. /1
Unlike #RIS2, #HS2 is an investment in a low-CO2 future. It may not look like it now during construction, but the tree loss and upheaval we see is going to be paid back over decades because of how it helps the shift from high-CO2 cars and planes to low-CO2 travel. /2
(Here’s our CO2 thread: . The chart summarises: over 60 years HS2 with no policy assistance will be neutral or better; over 120 years a huge win; with Green policies behind it, a major sustainability win. Note the numbers: worst case 1.2m tonnes CO2.) /3 Image
Read 12 tweets
May 4th 2020
We are @TheGreenParty members, some elected, some not, who think we should support HS2 because it has a big role in a low-CO2 sustainable transport network for the UK in the 2030s and beyond. HS2 supports our sustainable transport goals, nationally and locally. /1
We think the GP’s position is politically harmful and short-sighted: it puts us at odds with other GPs in Europe and with our own policy, at the same time aligning us with the IEA, TPA, UKIP and other fringe groups with no interest in sustainability. /2
The party’s position makes us look like a pressure group rather than a national orgasnisation with a serious transport policy. It diverts our campaigning energy from the real enemy: the govt’s road plans which are much more destructive and have NO sustainability case. /3
Read 18 tweets

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