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Nov 2nd 2022
We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #ReproductiveHealthcare (1/6)
We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #ReproductiveHealthcare (2/6)
We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #ReproductiveHealthcare (3/6)
Read 6 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Okay, listening into the #RHEA the Reproductive Health Equity Act testimony, and listening to folks that haven’t given birth or could have opinions about #reproductivehealth is just always disappointing and unnecessary.
This guy on this panel basically said “why does birth need to constitute a human right”, um, sir, what in the what? LIVING HUMANS don’t have human rights yet.
All this commentary coming to you is really actually inspired by @Justa_Jus ‘s incredible commentary 🤣
Read 59 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
Join @VDLC_Ontario @stefcyclops @TheAwkwardDrop tomorrow night and support #TheRightToChoose. We’ll be talking about #reproductivehealthcare, #abortion, #crisispregnancycentres and #Bill259. Pop up link available tomorrow. It’s time to end the stigma. #Abortionisnormal.
Because let’s remember.
You can also show your love for abortion and donate to @SHORECentreWR in #samoosterhoff name.…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 28th 2019
I was grateful for the opportunity to testify this evening before the @MassCSW, our state’s chief body tasked with expanding #equality and #opportunity for women.

I’ve been proud to work alongside the Commission on several legislative efforts, most recently in the successful push end gender discrimination in #DisabilityInsurance.

#MApoli Image
Tonight, I testified on the work I’m involved with in the Legislature to protect #ReproductiveHealthcare, make #childcare more affordable, and create new opportunities for women to lead in both the public and private sectors.

#MApoli Image
Read 3 tweets

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