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Apr 25th 2023
🚩#AdiShankaracharyaJayanti celebrated on the Panchami tithi during Shukla Paksha of Vaishakha month. Born in Kerala, in his short life span of 32 years, his accomplishments seem a marvel even today, with our modern conveyances & other facilities🚩1 Image
🚩 At the tender age of 8, burning with the desire for Liberation, he left home in search of his Guru. 🚩From the southern state of Kerala, young Shankara walked about 2000 kms— to River Narmada banks, in central plains of India, to his Guru— Govindapada🚩2 Image
🚩 He stayed there serving his Guru for 4 years. Under his teacher’s compassionate guidance, the young Shankaracharya mastered all the Vedic scriptures🚩3 Image
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Jan 22nd 2022
Im going to point out three neglected rulers of Karnataka history who changed the course of Southern Indian history #OurTrueHistory @ShefVaidya
1. The Mayurasharma of Banavasi.
Mayurasharma - the founder of Kadambas(The first kingdom established by a Kannadiga) hailed from Banavasi in present-day North Karnataka. As he belonged to a Vaidhika Brahmana family, he went to Kanchi of Tamilnadu for his Vedic studies.
There he was humiliated by ruling Pallavas when he showed interest in learning martial arts being a Brahmana. To seek revenge, Mayurasharma moved to Srisailam and formed an army of tribes, and defeated mighty Pallavas.
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Dec 4th 2021
the story of great learned Sage Ashtavakra.
While still in his mother's womb,once he corrected uchhaaran of Vedic rituals by his own father, Sage Kahod in presence of all his students. Angered at this,he cursed his own son to be born with 8 deformities🚩1/8
🚩 Ashtavakra was named so because he had 8 deformities in his body,he couldnt even walk properly and is often depicted carrying a stick.But he was extremely intelligent🚩
To earn some fortune and money, once his poor father went to the court of King Janak of Videha🚩2/8
🚩Where a great sacrifice was going on under management of his learned preceptor & priest Bandi.
Sage Kahod had a great Shastra discourse & debate with Bandi but was defeated & on Bandi's order, he was drowned in water 🚩3/8
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May 17th 2021
🚩#AdiShankaracharyaJayanti celebrated on the Panchami tithi during Shukla Paksha of Vaishakha month. Born in Kerala, in his short life span of 32 years, his accomplishments seem a marvel even today, with our modern conveyances & other facilities🚩1
🚩 At the tender age of 8, burning with the desire for Liberation, he left home in search of his Guru. 🚩From the southern state of Kerala, young Shankara walked about 2000 kms— to River Narmada banks, in central plains of India, to his Guru— Govindapada🚩2
🚩 He stayed there serving his Guru for 4 years. Under his teacher’s compassionate guidance, the young Shankaracharya mastered all the Vedic scriptures🚩3
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Jan 12th 2021
🇮🇳 #Rewrite History #RoleModels Warrior Woman Of India - Onake Obavva & Chitradurga Fort, Karnataka - One that remains etched in history for the heroic tale of the wife of a common soldier in the army of local ruler Madakari Nayaka-Valiant Onake Obavva who defeated HyderAli🚩1/4 ImageImage
🚩 2. Onake Obavva-The Brave woman who single-handedly killed many soldiers of Hyder Ali with just a big pestle as they were trying to crawl out of a secret passage.
Her husband was eating his lunch while she was on a killing spree🚩 Image
🚩3. Courageous Onake Obbava did not call him out because she believed that disturbing him while he was having food was not right. She was ultimately killed before she could get through the entire contingent, but her efforts ensured that Chitradurga fort was defended that day 🚩 Image
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Jan 3rd 2021
🚩#RoleModels #Thread Today was born the Bravest of Brave Rani Velu Nachiyar, known as Veeramangai(Brave woman).
Born as Princess of Ramanathapuram,TN she was married to King of Sivagangai at 16yrs &was fluent in Many languages incl English,French & Urdu 🚩1/3 #RewriteHistory
🚩2. In 1772 British East India Company along with Son of Nawab of Arcot, invaded Sivagangai. Her Husband was killed in this war.She& her daughter Vellachi lived in hiding for the next few years. Later with help from Haider Ali & Maruthu Brothers she went on war against British🚩
🚩3. In 1780 her army invaded Sivagangai & successfully defeated British army. She regained her Kingdom & was revered as the 1st Queen who fought & defeated the British. She planned the 1st recorded suicide bombing in history with her Dalit Commander-in-chief Kuyili🚩
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Nov 22nd 2020
🇮🇳 #NariShakthi #Inspiration #Thread Anjali Kanthe - The lady with nerves of steel , a staff nurse at Cama & Albless Hospital for women & Children was doing night shift from 8pm to 8am at the ante-natal care ward, where 20 pregnant women were due for their delivery 🇮🇳 1/n
🇮🇳 2. However, the night of 26th November in 2008 changed drastically as two terrorists - one of them Ajmal Kasab - had entered the hospital premises. They shot two guards, who lay in a pool of blood at the entrance and injured a nurse 🇮🇳
🇮🇳3. Realising that they were climbing up to the 1st floor, Anjali jumped into action & shut the heavy double doors of the ward, sealing the room from harm. She moved the 20 pregnant women & family members to the pantry at far end of the ward & shifted injured nurse to Casualty🇮🇳
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Sep 14th 2020
🇮🇳 #KnowYourBharat #LostInHistory Bravest of Brave Sardar Yesaji Kank Born In KankDynasty Kshatriya Koli Family,Rajgad to Dadoji Kank.He was Commander in Chief,Maratha Army fr 30yrs.He was at home only for 22 days in 30yrs.Yesaji Fought Great Battle Of Pratapgad Victoriously 1/4
🇮🇳Sardar Yesaji Kank Was Famous For His Fight With Qutub Shah’s Elephant. Qutub Shah Asked Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj How Many Elephants he has & he replied My Soldiers Are My Elephants. Qutub Shah challenged for Duel Between His Drunken Elephant& Shivaji Maharaj’s Soldier 🚩2/4
🇮🇳 Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chose Sardar Yesaji Kank Because he Was 7Ft Tall, A Very Brave, Skilled & Powerful Warrior & also Sardar Of His Army. Yesaji Kank Fought With the Drunken Elephant & Cut Off Its Trunk. Qutub Shah’s Drunken Elephant ran Away From the Fight In Fear🚩3/4
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Jul 31st 2020
🚩 #Thread #LostHistory 🚩1/n The Untold Legend of #HadiRani
Hadi Rani - A familiar name in Mewar but unknown to Rest of India.The daughter of Hada Chauhan Rajput & married to Chundawat chieftain of Salumbar in Mewar who sacrificed herself to motivate her husband to go to war🚩
🚩2/n When Maharana Raj Singh I (1653–1680) of Mewar called his Commander to join the battle against Aurangzeb, the Commander - having married only a few days earlier hesitated but the Inner Strength of Rajput Self honour finally made him join the battle despite hesitatingly🚩
🚩3/n The Commander asked his wife #HadiRani , for some memento to take with him to the battlefield. Thinking that she was an obstacle to his doing his duty for Mewar, she cut off her head and put it on a plate. A servant covered it with a cloth and presented it to her husband🚩
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Jul 5th 2020
🇮🇳#KnowYourBharat #LalitadityaMuktapida, the great king of #Kashmir from the 8th Century ruled for 36 years during which he defeated the Arabs, the Momin of Bukhara (Uzbekistan) & subdued the Turks & the Tibetans 🚩(1/4)
🚩 He not only protected his subjects & kingdom but built a giant empire by means of aggressive strategies and military prowess. His empire stretched from Central Asia to the Gangetic Plain and was at least twice the size of the #MughalEmpire during its peak🚩(2/4)
He was known to be an able administrator who also patronized various Arts,Crafts & different branches of learning. He built #MartandSunTemple, a specimen of Architectural brilliance; the ruins of which can be found at #Anantnag in Union Territory of #JammuandKashmir 🚩(3/4)
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Nov 13th 2019
I'm starting #DuckTales #RewriteHistory. Everyday, I'll post about a couple episodes (in the right order) with some hidden, never revealed trivia from the making of the episode. If we get the order fixed on @disneyplus before I finish, I'll reveal some TOP SECRET S3 info!
@disneyplus 1) WOO-OO!
Originally, this episode had a c-story that followed Donald on increasingly bizarre physical challenges to get that accounting job. It ended with him trying to ring a gold bell on top of a rock wall, which was eaten by the dragon Pixiu. #DuckTales #RewriteHistory
@disneyplus In the early days, we were still trying to figure out the right mix of adventure, jokes, drama, and physical comedy while balancing a MASSIVE CAST, so this story was cut for time and also because it tipped off the big reveal of Donald's real job.
#DuckTales #RewriteHistory
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Feb 3rd 2019
1)This is a true story about a stamp, a truck stop &a little old racist named Leroy Gibson-late 60s Conservative Democrat &Leader of R.O.W.P
2) I was on a road trip and wanted to send a postcard back home. Stopped in a truck stop to ask 4 a stamped envelope but they had none...
3)A cheery little old gnome of a man said, "Looks like you need a stamp. I've got one in my truck" So I gratefully followed him outside &...
Read 16 tweets

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