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Aug 6th 2020
My thread 👇 on #RBIPolicy,the need to hold rates steady for now&analysis of #CanaraBank and #BankofIndia Nos

What is amply clear is,be it #SBI,#HdfcBank,Axis,or smaller Public Sector banks,there has been a dramatic improvement in #AssetQuality,which bodes well

BIG decision by #RBI,is bringing #StartUps under priority sector lending--out of the box move

Move to give 5000Cr addnl liquidity to #Nabard&5000Cr to #NHB,will help agri&real estate

Decision to set up #InnovationHub will help tech innovation&ideation

@narendramodi govt cares!
In April 2020,@narendramodi govt infused 50000Cr,of which 25000Cr was for #NABARD to support #RRBs&MFIs

15000Cr was for #SIDBI,for refinancing financial entities who lend to #MSMEs

#NHB was given 10000Cr to support #HFCs

Today's 10000Cr is over&above this 50000Cr💪

Read 6 tweets
May 22nd 2020
#RBI cut by 40bps each of these👇
#Repo rate to 4%
#ReverseRepo to 3.35%
#BankRate to 4.25%

Decision was reached after 5:1 vote,with #ChetanGhate,lone voice calling for 25 bps cut

#MPC meet was held ahead of schedule from 3rd-5th,June

#EMI #moratoroum extended by 3 more months
Moratorium extension till 31st August 2020,is both timely &reflective of @narendramodi govt's alacrity--Big relief to #MiddleClass

Measure to convert #moratorium interest payment into #TermLoan payable in FY21,is helpful

This will reduce #NPAs &stress on banks' balance sheets
#RBI's cut in #Repo will reduce cost of funds&extension of #moratorium will be supportive of financial stability;#Rates across #YieldCurve will move lower from current levels

Fall in #ReverseRepo rate will disincentivise banks from #hoarding #liquidity&coax them to lend

Read 10 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Finally, after so much wait, @RBI Governer comes out to provide much needed relief to economy - key announcements thread:

#RBI #economy #rbigovernor
1. Yes, even after all the projections of economic growth slip, India might still stay at the top of global economic growth chart (As per IMF).

2. NBFCs, this time RBI has looked out for you.

TLTRO 2.0 - targeted long term repo operations of INR 50k crore ease the liqudiity issues, specifically for NBFCs.

Read 9 tweets

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