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May 8th 2023
1/ 🚨New pre-print online!🚨"School Shootings Increase NRA Donations" explores how the pro-gun political right in the US counter-mobilizes after school shootings. I provide causal estimates for substantive and lasting increases in donations to the NRA.…🧵👇 ImageImage
2/ The US has experienced a tragic increase in school and mass shootings. Most studies focus on effects on support for gun regulations and voting. To understand (the absence of) changes in gun regulation, we must consider the full range of political.
3/ Gun owners are a highly active political constituency. Yet, we lack systematic quantitative evidence on how their participation changes after school shootings amid threats of gun regulation.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
1. Audrey / Aiden Hale #nashville #audreyhale #aidenhale Mickey Mouse Mk ultra programming trigger, one eye club. Dogtags - usually associated with military. Audrey aka Juno #audreyhale #nashville #mkultra Image
2. Audrey the Artist with cat another symbol of mk ultra /monarch mind control #audreyhale #nashville #mkultra Image
3. Interesting Audrey should choose this as another artpiece #audreyhale #nashville Image
Read 39 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
A thread for your #Education edification. A tale of #SchoolShootings #MTSS #RestorativeJustice #CRT #DEI (better than CRT because it includes gender ideology! Reee!).

It will appear that school shootings have more in common than a gun, a lunatic, and a therapist.
MTSS stands for Multi Tiered System of Supports, and goes hand-in-hand with DEI, restorative justice, gender ideology, and the rest of the indoctrination tools that are destroying USA schools.
more here:…
The list.
Used this list, so graciously provided by the angsty writers at EdWeek, to go through a list of "school shootings" in 2022
As you can see, the list was full of shootings that took place on school property, but not during school hours/students… Image
Read 19 tweets
May 26th 2022
#GunViolence #SchoolShootings

It’s not going to stop on it’s own. Is this long enough yet, America?

Thurston High School.
Columbine High School.
Heritage High School.
Deming Middle School.
Fort Gibson Middle School.
Buell Elementary School.
Lake Worth Middle School.
University of Arkansas.
Junipero Serra High School.
Santana High School.
Bishop Neumann High School.
Pacific Lutheran University.
Granite Hills High School.
Lew Wallace High School.
Martin Luther King, Jr. High School.
Appalachian School of Law.
Washington High School.
Conception Abbey.
Benjamin Tasker Middle School.
University of Arizona.
Lincoln High School.
John McDonogh High School.
Red Lion Area Junior High School.
Case Western Reserve University.
Rocori High School.
Ballou High School.
Randallstown High School.
Bowen High School.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
Fans Pour Funding—and Faith—Into a Hit Drama About Jesus…

#entertainment, #movies, #TheChosen, #ChristianThemes
Reductionism vs. emergence: Are you “nothing but” your atoms?…

#emergence, #reductionism, #science, #philosophy
Read 20 tweets
Feb 22nd 2018
Thread - a teacher reacting to the idea of having teachers and other with firearms in school #Schoolshootings
1/ Let me make it clear. I am opposed. I listened to the President, and Iistened to those at the event, largely adults, who advocated for "trained" people with hand guns in the schools. #Schoolshootings
2/ first, you cannot have them walking around with guns in their waistbands or carrying in holsters. There would always be the risk of a student trying to grab the gun #Schoolshootings
Read 18 tweets

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