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Mar 28th 2023
1/22 A THREAD about sex, gender, trans people and transphobia.

Summary: Gender cannot be reduced to biological sex.

#transgender #transphobia Abstract colorful spiral ar...
2/22 My academic background is from the History of Ideas, a discipline that looks at how language and words shape the way we see the world.

Learning is often about developing new concepts that help people see what was once hidden or not understood. Tiresias was a Greek man wh...
3/22 English language speakers use the words sex and gender to cover many very different phenomena, and the two terms are often mixed up.

This causes a lot of confusion.

Let us look at the different phenomena that are covered by these terms.

#Gender #BiologicalSex Picture from vintage ad wit...
Read 22 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
"#Emergence, #SelfOrganization, & #Complexity"

šŸ§µ In today's SFI Seminar, Visiting Scholar @cgershen presents the second in his series of talks on core concepts in #ComplexSystems science, streaming now:

"In high school #physics class you are taught that with the initial conditions of a system, you can predict its future states. In #complexity, this is not means #reductionism is not appropriate, #Platonism is not appropriate..."
- @cgershen
"You can see a layer of circuits computing something. What is it computing? Itself. In a 248x248 array, you can program the #GameOfLife inside the game of life. Computers allow us to explore #Complexity, and it's no surprise complexity became a science in the 1980s."
- @cgershen
Read 7 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
What is climate reductionism and how does it fail to address the powerful causes of precarity for agrarian households in South Asia?

This article is a great example of how discourses/strategies of ā€˜adaptationā€™ act like an ā€˜anti-politicsā€™ machine.

A (long) thread šŸ§µ
1/n To begin with what is climate reductionism? Mike Hulme in is seminal 2011 essay points to the demise of environmental determinism (and climate determinism) which used to be an ideological wellspring of colonial perceptions of the world and its subsequent domination
2/n cultures and communities of Europe, and the rise of climate reductionism which is the tendency to isolate and claim the climate as the most important ā€˜determinant of past, present and future system behaviourā€™.
Read 62 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
Fans Pour Fundingā€”and Faithā€”Into a Hit Drama About Jesusā€¦

#entertainment, #movies, #TheChosen, #ChristianThemes
Reductionism vs. emergence: Are you ā€œnothing butā€ your atoms?ā€¦

#emergence, #reductionism, #science, #philosophy
Read 20 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
"The Evolution of Agency"

Follow this thread for highlights from today's seminar by @WiringTheBrain of @trinitycollege. Watch without login on Facebook (we will post the recording to YouTube within 24 hours):ā€¦
"The genome doesn't specify the outcome at all; it just encodes the biochemical rules by which development happens."

- @WiringTheBrain on the multi-level interplay of "nature" and "nurture" on #personality ImageImageImageImage
"It's trendy today to deny that #FreeWill is real."

- @WiringTheBrain quotes @SamHarrisOrg & Schopenhauer on the prominence of biological #determinism and neural #reductionism in modern thinking on the nature of choice.ā€¦ ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets

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