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Dec 30th 2021
Each year I'm grateful. This year, despite all the adversity around us, I stand especially grateful. Accepted awards + started projects alongside people I admire. Essayed to grave moments and enduring histories. Finished #HowtoRaiseanAntiracist. Here are 21 highlights from 2021.
1) Jan. 11. After attack on the U.S. Capitol, Republicans and Democrats commonly proclaimed “this is not who we are,” which was a bald-faced denial. I wrote about the normality of this denial. “When have Americans commonly admitted who we are?”…
2) Jan. 15. Announced 3 projects @netflix. Working w/ director @RogerRossWill + executive producer @MaraBrockAkil to adapt #StampedfromtheBeginning + #Stamped—and w/ @chrisdocnee, creator of Doc McStuffins (my daughter’s fav show) to adapt #AntiracistBaby…
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Jul 23rd 2020
You are #1. You have championed #AntiracistBaby. You have joined us on this journey of trying to raise the kids in our lives to be antiracist so they can one day join the power struggle for an antiracist world. Thank you. 🙏🏾 1/4 Image
And thank you for continuing to pick up #HowToBeAnAntiracist, which is #2 on the New York Times bestseller list—and #Stamped Jr. which is #1—and #StampedfromtheBeginning which remains on the list. 2/4 ImageImage
I’m thankful but most of all I’m thankful for those folks who are activating themselves, who are flinging themselves into antiracist activism. 🙏🏾 3/4
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Jun 11th 2020
Looking at the @nytimes bestseller lists this week, and I don’t know if it has ever had more books on racism. I’m heartened to join these incredible writers with 6 entries and 3 books, including #HowToBeAnAntiracist at #1 on the Hardcover Nonfiction list; 1/3 ImageImage
#StampedfromtheBeginning is #6 on Paperback Nonfiction list; and #Stamped co-authored with @JasonReynolds83 is #2 on YA Hardcover list.

The resistance is from the loudness of demonstrations to the quietness of reading and listening and learning. 2/3 ImageImage
I’m heartened Americans are turning to books to make sense of this moment; of the unspeakable murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd; of the antiracist movement. Thank you writers. Thank you readers. Thank you to the resistance. Keep reading. Keep resisting. 🙏🏾 3/3
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