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Jun 20th 2021
10 Tips for #APUSH writing🧵

One reader's perspective - prepare for unpopular opinions.
#10: Don't bother with quotes.

They're not scored material. It's a waste of time.
#9: Separate out your ideas.

Paragraphs are your friend. Apart from having strong topic sentences, it helps guide our tired eyes.

This goes for SAQ, LEQ, and DBQs!
Read 11 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
So, I'm redesigning how I teach the Civil Rights in line w/ @learnforjustice's & @ProfJeffries' Teaching Hard History (also, thanks to Adam Sanchez).

We'll do everything from bust the Master Narrative, complicating Rosa Parks, deep dive into the Black Panther Party, & more.
I'll post every lesson I make here for others to use, & keep updating the thread as I make more.

Here's a preview:…

#sschat #socialstudies #history #apush #ushistory #historychat #historyteacher #geographyteacher #filemakeacopy #wearecue #ditchbook Image
1st lesson is done!

The Mythical Master Narrative: Chronology, SNCC, & Civil Rights…

-Summarize early events of the CR Movement.
-Deconstruct/complicate the Master Narrative by
Challenging the 1950’s as the "start" of the CR Movement & analyzing SNCC.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
In yesterday’s discussion of colonies, #AdamSmith was really good on a lot of issues—particularly on condemning murdering Indigenous people, despoiling colonies in search of gold that ain't there, and then pretending you're doing it all for God. #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Today, Smithketeers, will not be such a feel-good day. You will not be heartened. You might want to pour a cup of tea. Or something much stronger. #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Smith starts by noting that the colonies of developed nations where the “natives easily give place to the new settlers” get rich and cultured faster than anywhere else.

That phrase “give place to” cloaks a lot of horrors. (IV.vii.b.1) #WealthOfTweets #SmithTweets
Read 33 tweets
May 15th 2020
In honor of my #apush exam today - here's all of US History told by Parks and Rec
New England Colonies Image
Declaration of Independence Image
Read 17 tweets
May 13th 2020
My thread of #apexams2020 as The Office

#APExams #APocalypseExams

Day 1 issues with submissions
Day 2 false promises by @CollegeBoard that it will all work out for #APExams #apexams2020 #APocalypseExams
Day 3: college board blames students browser for issues they admitted on Day 1 they knew would happen but did nothing to prevent

#APExams #apexams2020 #APocalypseExams
Read 10 tweets

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