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Mar 3rd 2023
Did a tweet like this a few months ago, but I feel it even more acutely today. There are two ways to look at the #StarTrek franchise right now.

- #StarTrekPicard is killing it, absolute top of its game, with exciting possibilities
- #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds is a huge hit…
…with tons of excitement about season 2, and season 3 seeming very likely.
- Animated #StarTrek has never been better, as current Trek appeals to all audiences.


- #StarTrekDiscovery was canceled, and it’s obvious it wasn’t what was planned.
- #StarTrek showrunners are pushing hard in tweets and the press for more for their shows. Trying to sway the studio?
- Merchandising and events, which really felt like they were on the upswing last year, have crashed HARD in 6 months.

I don’t know which story is the “real one”?
Read 6 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
I am about to watch @StarTrekOnPPlus #StrangeNewWorlds so if you notice me going down an Ethan Peck Thirst Spiral™️ that’s the reason🖖🏿
When I do start HEAVY thirsting on Ethan Peck I implore you to not say I am cheating on Jon Ossoff

Ethan was my boo before Senator My Boo. Okay?
I have questions

Why has nobody told me about this man playing Christopher Pike in #StrangeNewWorlds?

Especially in the opening scenes being all bearded, graying, emotionally distant and making pancakes?

If you have told me about this Anson Mount why didn’t you tell me LOUDER? Image
Read 9 tweets
May 18th 2020
WHAT IN THE FLYING A!? Over the years, many assumptions have been made about the various #Starfleet insignia worn on the original #StarTrek and beyond thru to #StarTrekSNW . Follow Us as we take a deep dive into the show’s most distinctive emblems and the intentions behind them. Image
It begins with Gene #Roddenberry wanting #StarTrek to have a “distinctive emblem,” something immediately identifiable & also with merchandising potential. Here’s a memo he sent to art director Pato Guzman about the emblem on August 10, 1964 (during pre-production on pilot #1). Image
This thinking resulted in a couple of distinct #StarTrek emblems. One is the boomerang shape seen painted on the Enterprise and Galileo hulls. The boomerang also appears frequently as a piece of set decoration—most commonly behind flag officers whenever Kirk gets them on Zoom. ImageImageImageImage
Read 69 tweets

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