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Jun 1st 2021
A screed, re: #StopPSEcuts & #ProtectOurFuture:

The video is brilliant. It captures most of what I would have said, if I'd been able to carve out the time to make a video by deadline. What I would add is how angry I feel.
via @YouTube
I'm angry that so many colleagues have been laid off. I'm angry that they've been laid off and disappeared by our senior administrators, and that those of us still here are not permitted to grieve. /2
#StopPSEcuts & #ProtectOurFuture:
I'm angry that the layoffs have disproportionately impacted women, and other equity-deserving staff, and that the diversity of our university community has not been protected. /3
#StopPSEcuts & #ProtectOurFuture
Read 15 tweets
May 8th 2021
Why should Albertans care about what the UCP govt is doing to post-secondary education institutions, including the @UAlberta? #Alberta #abpoli #abspe #StopPSEcuts #UAlberta @ryanjespersen @660NEWS @edmontonjournal @GlobalEdmonton @CAUS @cafaab @The_Gateway #Yeg @davideggenAB
2/ UAlberta wasn’t created overnight; it was built into a top 5 Canadian university by decades of public investment. It is the people’s university, and the people have every right to the best educational opportunities available.
3/ I’m not going to sugar-coat it: @UAlberta is being dismantled. A whole lot of parts are being taken out and tossed away.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 27th 2021
Did the UCP ask Albertans if they wanted their post-secondary education institutions (PSEIs), built up over decades with public funding, to be privatized? I, for one, don't remember that being on Jason Kenney's list of campaign promises. 1/n #abpse #abpoli
What does privatization mean? Well, at what point does a university education cease to be a public good and become a commodified private service? 2/n
When students pay for more than half the costs of their education individually, through tuition fees? When 70% of university budgets come from tuition fees and "entrepreneurial" endeavours (things one can charge money for)? 3/n
Read 23 tweets

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