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Nov 29th 2019
@charliekirk11 You are mistaking #PlannedParenthoodVotes, part of a legal #PAC (#PoliticalActionCommittee) with #PlannedParenthood which uses its federal funding within highly restrictive Federal rules such as the #HydeAmendment which bans federal funding for abortions.…
@charliekirk11 #PlannedParenthood's super #PAC, #PlannedParenthoodVotes, kicked off a $45 million electoral program targeted toward battleground states for the 2020 election. That's eight times what it spent during the 2018 midterms.…
@charliekirk11 #Trump flew to #Afghanistan for his #Thanksgiving dinner.
He probably took the turkey he didn't pardon so they wouldn't have to spend extra money to feed him.
Speaking of govt. funding causing the death of children, read what the U.S. military has done throughout its history.
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