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Jun 9th 2023
Today's threads (a thread)

Inside: Capitalists hate capitalism; and more!

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1/ A caricature of a businessm...
Capitalists hate capitalism: Merck's version of "market pricing" is "whatever we ask for."

2/  Image: Flying Logos (modif...
Hey look at this

* Some #blogging myths… (h/t @kottke)

* #OpenAI Sued for Libel After ChatGPT Allegedly Hallucinates Man Into Lawsuit…

* Eli Lilly Unveils Insulin That Doesn’t Work On Poor People…

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Read 19 tweets
May 12th 2021
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Read 109 tweets
May 2nd 2020
#COVID19, das Mittel zum Zweck als weltweiter Bankenputsch der #InterNazis nach Vorbild der #ENArchie in #Frankreich? Was ist die Operation #Zodiac?…
(2) Am 13.2.2020 sagte Gen. #O_Shaughnessy vor dem #Senat-Ausschuß d.#US Streitkräfte aus, dass #NorthCom "sich aufs Schlimmste vorbereite".

Die Redundanz i.d. US-Befehlskette wurde f."Notfälle" eingerichtet...

(3) Ähnlich, wie am 11.9.2001, als Gen.Ralph #Eberhart f. ca. 10h als so eine Ersatzregierung die #USA führte, ohne dass jedoch Präsi #GWBush jr. gestorben war.

Am Abend des #NineEleven hatte #Dubya seine Macht wieder gesichert, ohne dass z.viel Aufheben darum gemacht wurde...
Read 4 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
For the record. Among the four major candidates contending for the Democratic presidential nomination, only 1 is a #Boomer. That's Warren, born in 1949. Biden, Bloomberg, & Sanders are all pre-boomers. The #babyboomer generation is defined as those born from 1946-64, post-war.
#Biden and #Bloomberg were both born in 1942, during the war. Sanders was born in 1941, just before US involvement in the war began.

We've had four #babyboomer presidents: #Clinton, #GWBush, and #Trump, all born in '46, and #Obama, born in 1961.
Interestingly, we've had no presidents born in the 1950s, which is sort of the heart of the #babyboomer BOOM!

@jamesoliphant @The_News_DIVA @ayesharascoe
Read 3 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
@charliekirk11 You are mistaking #PlannedParenthoodVotes, part of a legal #PAC (#PoliticalActionCommittee) with #PlannedParenthood which uses its federal funding within highly restrictive Federal rules such as the #HydeAmendment which bans federal funding for abortions.…
@charliekirk11 #PlannedParenthood's super #PAC, #PlannedParenthoodVotes, kicked off a $45 million electoral program targeted toward battleground states for the 2020 election. That's eight times what it spent during the 2018 midterms.…
@charliekirk11 #Trump flew to #Afghanistan for his #Thanksgiving dinner.
He probably took the turkey he didn't pardon so they wouldn't have to spend extra money to feed him.
Speaking of govt. funding causing the death of children, read what the U.S. military has done throughout its history.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
#ClimateAlarmists ignore the fact that all of their propaganda efforts to scare people into submitting to expensive CO2 reduction schemes are having less than no restraining effect on the one & a half degrees of #GlobalWarming over the last two centuries.…
Nothing being done now is having any effect on reducing CO2. We could help Nature do it the old fashioned way by planting a trillion trees. But that takes time.
#ClimateAlarmists prefer preventing the poorest people from trying to stay alive during winter.…
Scientists are proving that active geothermal sources around the globe are causing most of the glacier melting & ocean warming. And more of that heat should be harnessed to benefit humanity, as has been done throughout human history.
#GeothermalGlobalWarming #ClimateChange
Read 57 tweets

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