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May 19th 2023
#HB900 must pass without amendments out of the #TexasSenate and go to the Governor's desk. The senators have the responsibility to get this bill to the governor AS-IS!!! Call Dan Patrick and tell him TX Parents need this bill passed w/o amendments (512) 463-0001
Please let your senator and @DanPatrick @LtGovTX know that #SB13 codifies awful TASB and ALA policy into must die...and not be added to #HB900 in any manner. We do not want #HB900 to be killed in the House. It will be on @DanPatrick and the Senate this bill fails.
The #TxSenate can pass #HB900 out of the Senate as is with no amendments and get it signed by the Governor. No games. No blaming the House when the Senate adds bad amendments.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
Mary Jennings Hegar (MJ) is an American politician, United States Air Force veteran, and teacher. In 2017, she published the memoir “Shoot Like a Girl” which describes her service in Afghanistan.She also sued the U.S. Air Force to remove the Combat Exclusion Policy. #TXsen
“We must create a public option to make Medicare available for all those who want it. The best health care I’ve ever had was when I was on military-provided Tricare, similar to Medicare, and I believe that kind of high-quality care should be made available to all Americans.” 2/20
“I will oppose any effort to privatize, dismantle or undercut #Medicare, including raising the eligibility age.” ~ MJ Hegar, candidate for #TXsenate 3/20
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