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Jul 14th 2019
1/ Draft of a Congressional bill titled "Keep Big Tech Out of Finance" Act is significant.
Note out this announced is right on the heals of Trump tweeting his feelings about #Bitcoin and #Cryptocurrency in general and specifically called out #Facebook #Libra...
2/ FB jumping in the financial industry with their 2billion userbase to tap into *is* a wakeup call. They laughed at #Bitcoin because it was small, but with FB they see a threat.

I'm no fan of #ZuckBucks but I think the #Crypto industry needs to get on #TeamFB with this bill.
3/ This knee jerk reaction to #BigBanks not liking their domain being disrupted by #BigTech, so they're getting Congress involved. It's clearly an overreach in govt trying to coddle #BigBanks, a relationship that needs to seperated more through disruptive tech, not less.
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