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Oct 28th 2021
Some scientists have become twitter celebrities in this pandemic - bringing power as well as hate.
I talked to @devisridhar - a constant presence in my twitter feed the last two years - about her experience

Story here,short thread to come:…
First of all: This story is part of a @NewsfromScience series on the “new normal” and just a brief peek at some of the issues scientists are grappling with in this time of viral posts and a pandemic virus. It’s a huge topic and I want to hear more stories and see more research…
But briefly:
One of the most amazing things early on in this pandemic was watching science (and policy) debates play out in real-time online. Some researchers have helped hundreds of thousands of people make sense of what’s going on and make informed decisions. They saved lives.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 10th 2020
This #ThankYouThursday I'm thanking Don Curtian, the Director of the Environmental Health team at @AAHealth. Don and his team of inspectors do the hard work to keep people safe: responding to complaints of violations of COVID health regulations.
Their inspections are done in response to complaints from customers and employees who feel unsafe and need help. When they show up, they educate.
They are there to help the business operate safely so that they can stay open. Only a handful have been closed due to repeated failures to comply, and those have all subsequently complied and reopened.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 18th 2020

1.Eternal Father,
we thank You for Your great love.
You give the world the best of Yourself,
the mirror of Your perfect transparency,
the splendour of Your very being-
Your Son Jesus.
#ThankYouThursday #ThankYou #God #OurFather #religion #faith
2. We thank You for giving Him to us
not as a judge but as a Saviour;
not as a tyrant but as a friend,
not as a commander but as a relative,
not as a superior but as a brother.

#Christianity #CatholicTwitter #Catholic #Christian #prayers
3. Help us to open our hearts
to His light
without fear of being overwhelmed
but exultant with the joy that comes from the light
upon all who accept it with gladness.
Amen. (St Joseph's Prayer Book) #book #BooksNearBedtime #prayer
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