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Dec 29th 2022
2022 was quite the year for NEOM 🚀
Let's take a look at some of the incredible things we've achieved. #NEOM

In January, we announced the creation of the world’s first physically and technologically integrated hub - a new center for the region’s media and creative industries💡

#NEOM #MadeToChange
In February, we showed people how we are changing the future of energy. ⚡️Moving beyond zero carbon to a circular economy ♻️ our energy uses future thinking to drive change.

#NEOM #MadeToChange
Read 17 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
#NEOM aka “#TheLine”, #SaudiArabia will take 10 years to build, 105-mile-long linear city for 9 million people. No cars. Super-high-speed train to connect end-to-end in 20 minutes. Mirrored exterior. 500 meters tall. My thoughts follow... #Future
2/ #CitiesSkylines #STEM Don't get me wrong. I love technology and was fascinated by giant space stations in the sky as a kid. But... The first problem I see is there's no existing anchor town or organic reason for #NEOM to exist where it is to be built.
3/ #Ghosts People don't like moving 1,000 miles to an empty city where there is no one and especially no one they already know. The city is actually a series of modules / mini-cities. I'd build one of these around a metro stop in Riyadh and see if anyone moves in.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
🚁 Flying drones for taxis
👻 Holographs for teachers
🌙 Even a man-made moon

Would you sell your data to live in Saudi Arabia's new smart city, #TheLine?

Some are keen but others are concerned. Why? 🧵 A rendering of The Line, a smart city in NEOM, a high-tech bA rendering of The Line, a smart city in NEOM, a high-tech b
🏙️ #TheLine will be the first development in @NEOM, a planned $500 billion city.

The sustainable smart city will feature two skyscrapers stretching in a straight line over 170 kilometers.

📊 It will stack homes and offices vertically, mining the data of its 9 million people. A rendering of The Line, a smart city in NEOM, a high-tech b
💰Saudi Arabia plans to pay @NEOM residents for their data.

📲 This will be collected from their smartphones, homes, facial recognition, and a host of other sensors.

🏠 It will be used to manage power, water, waste, transport, healthcare, and security. A rendering of The Line, a smart city in NEOM, a high-tech b
Read 9 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
Habt ihr auch die Nachricht über diese geplante saudische Stadt gesehen? #NEOM - #TheLine soll 170km lang und 500 Meter hoch werden und nach außen verspiegelt sein. Bis 2045 sollen dort einmal 9 Millionen Menschen leben. Was als Utopie angepriesen wird, ist eine Dystopie. Image
Schon 2030 sollen in Neom angeblich 1 Million Menschen leben, ganz ohne Autos und Emissionen. Es soll kein Zuhause für Menschen aus Saudi Arabien werden, sondern für die hypermobilen Beschäftigten aus Start-Ups und Big Tech, eine Mischung aus Singapore und Silicon Valley. Image
Als Sonderwirtschaftszone gedacht für die transnationale kapitalistische Klasse, die durch ein autokratisches Regime beschützt dort residieren soll.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
"You can't be serious."
You can't say I didn't tell you...…

Chapter 20, page 365, The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking

@NEOM #NEOM #SaudiArabia #MirrorLine
@NEOM Get up-to-date commentaries on how the cycle is turning, visit:
@NEOM More sign:…

Thanks @PorcoRoss1 for the link you sent.
Read 15 tweets

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