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Oct 30th 2018
Days after Dems received pipe bombs and a conservative shot up a synagogue, #VA06th CD GOP chair Jennifer Brown introduced @CoreyStewartVA in Lynchburg yesterday:

“We need to do everything we can to turn that ‘blue wave’ into a BLUE GRAVE.”
via @IanSams
We can't stand by and watch while people like @JMBfor6DC use this kind of hateful rhetoric, especially while supporting a white nationalist like @CoreyStewartVA.

Help @BlueWaveCS #GOTV during #TheLastWeekend before the election.
Funny, she didn't say "blue grave" here in this tweet. 🤔🤔🤔 Guess it didn't go over as well as she planned. #TuesdayThoughts
Read 3 tweets
Oct 18th 2018
I'm speechless.

This ad is running in Arkansas in support of GOP Congressman French Hill on radio stations targeting the African American community. (Note: French Hill has disavowed the ad.)

Read 5 tweets
Oct 8th 2018
Women to Bob Corker re: Kavanaugh: "What am I supposed to tell my daughters and granddaughters"

When he woudn't answer the question, she said, "November is coming."

Bob Corker laughed and said, "yeah, but I'm not on the ballot."

This is what we're up against.
I sure hope @BobCorker doesn't intend on running for president anytime soon. #mondayMotivation
Did watching Bob Corker's little smirk and giggle in this video skeeve you out, too? Volunteer with @BlueWaveCS during #TheLastWeekend before the election. #MondayMotivation
Read 5 tweets
Oct 8th 2018
Any woman who voted for this monster should be ashamed.

"What is your message today to the women across this country who are feeling devastated, feeling like the message that's been sent--"

Trump:" "I don't think they are. I don't think they are."
Don't know about you, but I'm fucking sick of this shit.

I'm volunteering 10+ hours on #TheLastWeekend before the election.

How about you?
Read 3 tweets
Oct 6th 2018

Kavanaugh has been confirmed.

If we take back the house, they will launch a full and thorough investigation into ALL claims of sexual assault and lying under oath.

We need your help to #TakeItBack.
1) Sign up to volunteer during the most crucial weekend before the election: #TheLastWeekend.
2) See our @BlueWaveCS🌊 voting guide to find local, state, and congressional candidates to choose from.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 5th 2018
If you haven't laughed yet today, here's a video of President Trump walking up the stairs to Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. While this isn't grounds for the #25thAmendment, it does fit the pattern of Trump just being a fucking idiot.
@ManInTheHoody can you confirm, CGI or shit related stickiness? and can you put this to music, please?
And I added it here because fuck it.

⚡️ “"Who am I? Why am I here?" #25thAmendmentNow” by @AynRandPaulRyan…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
.@BlueWaveCS has joined a @swingleft, @IndivisibleTeam, @MoveOn, and dozens of other organizations to #GOTV #TheLastWeekend before the midterms.

Sign up today, and don't just vote this year. Volunteer!

In addition to working on #TheLastWeekend, @BlueWavecs has been keeping track of every time Trump takes to Twitter to target a Democrat or endorse a Republican. We call them #TrumpTargets. Check out the database here:
#WednesdayWisdom #WednesdayMotivation
Read 9 tweets

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