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Nov 18th 2020
@SimonChapman6criticizes #vape advocate for mentioning success, not failure. What's the failure rate of #ColdTurkey, Simon? Not heard you mention that..
#AusTHRInquiry2020 #PH2
@SimonChapman6 criticizes #vape advocate for mentioning success, not failure. What's the failure rate of #ColdTurkey, Simon? Not heard you mention that..
#AusTHRInquiry2020 #PH2
Read 203 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Here's the #Twitter coverage for our upcoming #webinar titled "#InsideImplementation: Youth & #TobaccoControl policies" with Dr. Swasticharan from @MoHFW_INDIA & Dr. Bhutia from @salaambbayorg. Many thanks to our panelists; moderation by @dr_hebbar & @prashanthns
Dr. Swasticharan begins with the history of the #tobacco plant; 69 carcinogenic chemicals in #tobacco; even in smokeless tobacco 28 known carcinogens; colonial origins of #tobacco and global spread #insideimplementation #COTPA #tobaccoexpossed #WNTD2020
in 13-15 year age group nearly one-fifth are users; many in this age-group buy from store (47%) (a violation under #COTPA) #insideimplementation #COTPA #tobaccoexpossed #WNTD2020
Read 19 tweets

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