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Most recents (6)

May 17th 2023
America is a world leader in allowing private companies to levy taxes on its citizens, including (stay with me here), *a tax on paying your taxes*.

1/ A vintage drawing of Uncle ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

In most of the world, tax authorities prepare everyone's returns, sending a form with all their tax details - collected from employers and other regulated entities, like pension funds and commodities brokers, who must report income to the tax office.

Read 43 tweets
May 8th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: California to smash prison e-profiteers; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A prison cell. Behind the b...
This Weds (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

2/ Image
California to smash prison e-profiteers: The Public Utility Commission to the rescue!

3/ Image
Read 35 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Every year, Americans spend billions on #TaxPrep services, paying a heavily concentrated industry of giant, wildly profitable firms to send the #IRS information it already has. 1/ An ogrish, tophatted, cigar-chomping giant holds the US Capi
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Despite the fact that most other rich countries have a far more efficient process, many Americans believe that adopting this process here is either impossible, immoral, or both. 3/
Read 39 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
[1/🧵] #LiquidityHub—Einigen als Begriff vielleicht bereits bekannt, ist es das natürliche Upgrade der #Ripple #ODL (on-demand-liquidity) Plattform.

Noch nicht offiziell "gelaunched", gibt es dennoch erste Eindrücke und Informationen, die sehenswert sind. 👇🧵 Source:
[2/19] Der Umgang und volle Nutzen von #Crypto wird bei weitem noch nicht ausgereizt und steckt in der Wirtschafts- & Business-Welt noch in den Kinderschuhen.

Aber woran liegt das? Was ist der Flaschenhals?
Welcher 🔑 öffnet das 🔓 zur Massenadoption?…
[3/19] Schaut man sich den neuesten Blogbeitrag—Enterprise Applications of #Crypto Liquidity—von #Ripple an, stellt man schnell fest, dass Unternehmen aus aller Welt derzeit beim "investieren, kaufen, verkaufen und halten" feststecken und darüber nicht hinauskommen.
Read 21 tweets
May 17th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/17/2021…
Battlestar Galactica Lessons from Ransomware to the Pandemic…

#ransomware #PandemicResponse #LessonsLearned
Female northern elephant seals spend 18 hours a day foraging in deep sea…

#FemaleSeals #foraging #BehaviorTracking
Read 10 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
Remember: if you qualify for free tax filing, do not let @turbotax trick you into paying for their deluxe package. This has already happen to someone I know. I'm sure they aren't going to refund this person. You can also use other services instead of TurboTax. #turbotax #fraud
Here is an article explaining how @turbotax tricked many people for paying for something that should have been free to them.…
Here another article about how to this day @turbotax continues to rip people off.…
Read 5 tweets

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