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Mar 5th 2022
There are, according to Russia, two kinds of vetos it is wielding. The first is in the Security Council, allegedly made absolute in the Charter. The second is de facto veto of the nuclear bomb, which it believes it can trigger at will. But in reality neither veto is absolute/2
2/ the first is not absolute because there are two ways around the veto - the #UnitedForPeace resolution, as happened in the Korean War and again this past week, and the little known #Article27/3 which provides that a party to a dispute must abstain when Ch VI is invoked. /3
3/Both these approaches require political and military will, which was very much present in the Korean conflict. The de facto veto of the unilateral use of the nuclear trigger is what appears to be dominant in current conflict. But should Putin’s “red lines” be the last word/4
Read 5 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
🧵w/ proposed instruction manual for creating an international tribunal for the crime of #aggression re: #Ukraine that is fundamentally fair and best established w/ the limited avenues available to the int'l community to do so.
#1 Draft and put up for a vote a @UN Security resolution referring the situation in #Ukraine to the #ICC so to add the crime of aggression to the @IntlCrimCourt 's existing jurisdiction in the country. #Russia will undoubtedly veto, but important step to get #UNSC on the record.
#2 Re-open #UN General Assembly #UnitedforPeace Emergency Special Session to pass another resolution recommending the establishment of an international tribunal for the crime of aggression re: Ukraine & incl GA resolution 3314 w/ definition of aggression…
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