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#BuildingSupport: The Honorable Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General of the United States, visited the #ICC today and held meetings with the President, the Prosecutor and the Registrar of the Court. @TheJusticeDept
📷 #ICC President Piotr Hofmański and Registrar Osvaldo Zavala Giler met with the Attorney General of the United States, The Honorable Merrick B. Garland, during his official visit at the Court today. @TheJusticeDept #BuildingSupport ImageImageImageImage
📷#ICC Prosecutor #KarimAAKhanKC, Deputy Prosecutor Nazhat Shameem Khan and Deputy Prosecutor Mame Mandiaye Niang met with the Attorney General of the United States, The Honorable Merrick B. Garland, during his official visit at the Court today. @TheJusticeDept #BuildingSupport ImageImageImageImage
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#ICC and NGOs open annual roundtable meeting at ICC headquarters.
#BuildingSupport #cooperation @ngos4justice Image
ICC President Piotr Hofmański welcomes #ICC-NGO roundtable participants: “Although we are independent in our functions the relationship between the ICC & civil society is of special significance. We are partners in pursuing justice & rule of law + seeking human rights protection" Image
Prosecutor #KarimAAKhanKC at #ICC-NGO roundtable: “Strengthening partnerships with civil society is a priority for my Office. Your courage & dedication is a source of inspiration as we work together to improve delivering justice to communities affected by #RomeStatute crimes." Image
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1/ Article by @LahavHarkov @Jerusalem_Post: PCHR - one of the NGOs leading international legal attacks against 🇮🇱 - openly expressed support for “armed struggle” against Israel.

❗️In 2023 the org received funding from the European Union and Switzerland.

Read on for more 👇 Image
2/ Immediately following the recent #Israel-#Gaza conflict the Gaza-based PCHR publicly declared its affirmation of the "right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all available means, including armed struggle." This NGO is funded by the 🇪🇺, 🇨🇭, 🇳🇴, and 🇮🇪. Image
3/ To be clear, each and every rocket fired from Gaza at #Israel is a war crime. It is unconscionable that a so-called human rights group would suggest thousands of war crimes are legitimate "resistance".
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Ele diz que pretendem usar está tecnologia de controle e tortura contra toda população americana.
Desde que está denúncia foi feita absolutamente nada foi feito para banir este programa de Eng Social e tortura eletrônica, o número de Vitimas aumentou em toda a América incluindo o Brasil, fui colocada neste programa por familiares a partir de 2000. Image
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From Michael Parenti's "To Kill A Nation," published 20 years ago. Excerpts:

#NATO's war crimes, a great reminder of how the West acts and how it either memory-holes items or completely rewrites history. Starting off with the legal basis, he writes: ImageImageImage
Since diplomacy was virtually blocked and rendered a media item only (see my other thread, linked below), there was no way for #Serbia to avoid a war.

Now, the morality aspect of bombing (mainly) civilians plays out. The "unintended" lie materializes. ImageImage
Back then (we are talking 1999 here), at least some reporters pointed out the aspects of international law and the role of the International Court of Justice (#ICJ) and International Criminal Tribunal (now #ICC) in all of this. The answer is surprising, in some sense. Image
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Nell'ultimo periodo abbiamo avuto molto poco tempo per postare video sugli avvenimenti del fronte perché stavamo lavorando a questa piccola chicca: il 28 Febbraio @VRangeloni è, a detta sua, quasi stato colpito da un bombardamento 🇺🇦 sul ponte che congiunge 1/8…
Il distretto #Petrovsky e #Kyrovsky di Donetsk. In seguito, riferisce che altri colpi avrebbero colpito palazzine lì vicino.
I danni alle palazzine non sono compatibili con i danni che un missile GMLRS infligge a strutture non rinforzate, ad esempio 2/8
Nei primi 2 frame si vedono i danni che secondo Rangeloni sono stati inflitti dall'HIMARS 🇺🇦 contro due immagini di danni che un missile GMLRS sparato da questo sistema ha inflitto ad un altro edificio l'anno scorso.
Inoltre, il CEP di questi missili non lascia spazio a 3/8
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1. rispondo di nuovo a @il_cappellini che, dopo il mio thread di ieri ha risposto:
2. quello che ha affermato @marcotravaglio sul fatto che gli Stati Uniti non riconoscono #CortePenaleInternazionale perché temono di finirci loro è assolutamente corretto.E lo dimostrano 20 anni di azioni USA, documentate rigorosamente
3. Se USA avessero aderito #CortePenaleInternazionale,soldati USA che hanno commesso crimini di guerra in Afgh/Iraq, sarebbero incriminabili facilmente. Invece i criminali di paesi che NON hanno aderito,che sia USA o Russia,possono essere incriminati SOLO in situazioni limitate
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1. voglio rispondere a questo tweet di @il_cappellini sulla #CortePenaleInternazionale, non perché attacca @marcotravaglio: Travaglio si difende da solo, ma perché i lettori hanno il diritto di leggere affermazioni vere sulla #CortePenaleInternazionale e questa non lo è
2. NON conosco la posizione dell'#Ucraina sulla #CortePenaleInternazionale,quindi non ne parlo. Ma conosco benissimo la questione #StatiUniti-#CortePenaleInternazionale, perché ci ho scritto articoli e capitoli di libri
3. è assolutamente VERO che gli #StatiUniti non vogliono essere parte della #CortePenaleInternazionale perché non vogliono che i loro soldati possano essere chiamati a rispondere dei loro crimini guerra, contro l'umanità.E' così assolutamente vero che hanno usato vari strumenti
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1/10 This is shamelessness on the part of #Putin's criminal regime. The #Kremlin openly threatens #Armenia not to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. An information source of the Russian FM told the #Russian state media TASS․

#Russia #Lavrov #Yerevan
2/10 TASS source: "#Moscow considers absolutely unacceptable the plans of official #Yerevan to join the #RomeStatute of the International Criminal Court against the background of the latest illegal orders of the #ICC against the Russian leadership."
3/10 Lavrov's employee also told TASS that the Armenian side was warned about "extremely negative consequences for bilateral relations in case of possible moves by Yerevan".

It is obvious that this news was dictated to TASS by Maria Zakharov, or Lavrov himself.
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#Mediapooli @JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en
#mRNA-#YLE valehtelee veronmaksajille jälleen pimeän tullen, kahdessa peräkkäisessä lähetyksessä 19.3.2023, kuin varas
-"#Venäjä pommitti sivilien suojana toimineen #Mariupol'in teatteria, satoja ihmisisä kuoli."…
@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #Humanitarian mission near #Sartana, we met a large number of people who had just fled #Mariupol.
- Among these #civilians was #Nikolay, who agreed to tell us on camera what happened with the #MaternityHospital and the #theatre in #Mariupol
@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en cc: @ KimDotcom
The #IntlCrimCourt that we don’t recognize has issued an arrest warrant against #Putin for #evacuating #children from a #Warzone that is getting #shelled with OUR #weapons -we #killed over 20 #million people in 37 victim nations since #WW2.
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>アメリカ:「プーチンは、ドンバスに住むロシア民族の子供たちをロシアに連れてきた! 😭 これは戦争犯罪です」


#ICC #ヒストリー






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@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #Putin visits #Crimea on anniversary of its annexation from Ukraine |-3h
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US threatens to #arrest #ICC #judges if they pursue Americans for #Afghan #WarCrimes | 10/09/2018
- #WhiteHouse Nat Sec Advisor J. #Bolton called the #Hague-based rights body "unaccountable" and "outright #dangerous" to the #US, #Israel and other #allies… Image
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US #bars entry to #ICC investigators, says '#attacking #America's #RuleOfLaw' | 15/03/2019
- “The ICC is attacking America’s '#RuleOfLaw',” #Pompeo told reporters. “It’s not too late for the court to change course and we urge that it do so immediately.”… Image
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My take for @AtlanticCouncil: Any #Russians committing crimes in #Ukraine should consider themselves formally on notice.

"The ICC’s arrest warrant for #Putin is a seismic moment for international law & judicial accountability."
Putin is now on a very short, infamous list. 🧵
As I explain, "the ICC’s historic announcement indicates an increased scope," not just prosecuting #Putin for crime of aggression in special tribunals, but "reasonable grounds that Putin himself bears individual criminal responsibility" for war crimes. 2/

Warrant for Putin = accountability & legal courage. AND:
"The arrest warrant for Lvova-Belova, #Russia’s so-named commissioner for children’s rights, is no less significant." The ICC signals that lower level officials also bear criminal responsibility. 3/

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The ICC Indictment of Putin: Consequences for Russia and the World
#ICC #Putin #WarCrimes #GlobalPolitics #InternationalRelations #Europe #Russia #NATO #UnitedNations #G20 #HumanRights
The recent International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment of Vladimir Putin on charges of war crimes may seem like a symbolic victory, but its impact goes far beyond symbolism. 1/16
While it is unlikely that Putin will ever stand trial in The Hague, the indictment will have significant consequences for Russia's relationship with the rest of the world and for politics within Russia itself. 2/16
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Remember that time we phonied up some “war crimes” charges against a former #communist leader at the ICC, then Epsteined him in his jail cell?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

#ICC #Putin #Russia #Kosovo #Serbia #Molosevic #Clinton #ProsecuteBush…
Just to refresh your memory, Molosevic died under mysterious circumstances during his ICC trial, because the trial wasn’t going so well for prosecutors.

Lack of evidence was proving problematic…
10 years after his death in prison, the ICC quietly acknowledged that Molosevic was INNOCENT!…
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1/4. The effects of Putin being charged over #WarCrimes by the International Criminal Court #ICC

There is one detail people are passing over in this report, and that is the charges laid against Maria Lvova-Belova for similar charges involving the……
2/4. To understand the impacts of these charges, my view is that #Putin will at best be irritated by this event as a demonstration of the West’s hypocrisy and desire for regime change. The adverse affect for the civilised world, is that this event will likely lead to a……
3/4. Maria Lvova-Belova’s charges will have the biggest impact.

That is because all of these charges are symbolic in reality. The fact that charges and accountability has been extended to a relatively low level politician and bureaucrat is critically important.

This is because……
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1/ Reminder: Prior to 2011 #NATO War, #Libya had the Highest Standard of Living in Africa

By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

In 2011, #NATO launched an illegal, savage attack against the country with the Highest Human Development Index in Africa. Let us see where Libya stands today.
2/ When #Cameron, #Sarkozy, #Obama, #Clinton and that sickening clique of #warmongering, interfering, imperialist thugs decided to attack Libya in 2011, in an attack planned and orchestrated for months in advance, they told us their fight was not against the people of #Libya.
3/ Looking at #Libya today, who were they fooling and who is suffering? Under international law regarding the scope of applicability, there are rules as to the wanton and brazen use of force turning a peaceful situation into an ongoing theater of conflict.
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** The #ICC is opening war crimes cases against #Russia -- so why isn’t the #USA helping? **

Read my @latimes op-ed to find out……
#AtrocityCrimes: Like others, U.S. politicians have decried Russia’s atrocity crimes in #Ukraine. President #Biden called it a #genocide. VP Harris recently said the U.S. has determined Russia has committed #CrimesAgainstHumanity.…
#Investigations: And the U.S. is already helping Ukraine investigate these crimes. While Ukraine is already holding trials of Russians, it wants the ICC involved. But the @nytimes reports the Pentagon is blocking this – why?…
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Big news from the #ICC👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Prosecutor reportedly seeks to open 2 war crimes cases, on child abductions (🇺🇦’s priority) & on the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure.

Will be interesting how close to Putin the ICC goes - & if Putin himself is targeted at this stage.
“The source said the arrest warrants could include the crime of genocide, and were expected to arrive in the “short term” if the court prosecutor’s request was approved by a pre-trial judge at the Hague-based court.”…
A word of caution: the #ICC works fast & slow. It’s not the most predictable court. Warrants could be approved by judges next week or in six months. That this story is leaking now matters & may be pressure on judges to quickly give the ✅ for warrants. But let’s not jump the gun.
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@LoganSkrzypczak @glenn_payette @VeraVanHorne @WIONews @Twitter2 @elonmusk Here's some more on what you support with #US/#NATOExpanionism & the (#Kiev) #Ukraine preventing #Donbas & Crimea Secession after decades of discrimination & oppression & years of sniping shelling & bombing leading to 18 THOUSAND DEATHS of not just men but women children & aged😱 ImageImageImageImage
@LoganSkrzypczak @glenn_payette @VeraVanHorne @WIONews @Twitter2 @elonmusk Here's a mini-thread from someone else with a few relevant articles on #NATOExpansion and the #UkraineWar😱🤦‍♂️…
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ቤተ እምነትና ቤተ ፖለቲካ የሁለት ዓለም ቤቶች ናቸው::ሁለቱም አብረው እንዲሰሩም እንዲነቃቀፉም ሊያደርጋቸው የሚገባው ዋነኛው ነገር ሁለቱንም የሚያስተሳስራቸው ጉዳይ የክብረ ሰብእ ጉዳይ ነው::አንድ ሰው በቤተ እምነት ዓይን ሰውና አማኝ በመሆኑ 1/4
በቤተ ፓለቲካው ዓይን ደግሞ ሰውና ዜጋ በመሆኑ ክብሩ ደኅንነቱ ለየብቻም በጋራም በሁለቱ ቤቶች ሊጠበቅለት የግድ ነው:: ከዚህ ዋና አውድ አልፈው ሁለቱ ቤቶች ዓለማቸው ማደበላለቅ የለባቸውም:: በትግራዩ ጦርነት ቤተ እምነቱ የትግራይን ሰዎች 2/4
እንደ ሰውም እንደ አማኛም የሚገባቸውን ጥበቃ አላደረገላቸውም ብቻ ሳይሆን እንደ ሰውም እንደ ዜጋም ሊያጠፋቸው ከተነሳው ቤተ ፖለቲካ ጋር ተደርቦ ነበር:: አሁን ቤተ ፖለቲካው 'አወቅኩሽ ናቅኩሽ' በሚመስል መልኩ በሰውነቱና በአማኝነቱ እንዲሁም 3/4
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ICC picks five best player battles ahead of Border Gavaskar Trophy 2023.

#CricTracker #BGT #INDvAUS #ICC
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Vreselijk. Structurele deportaties kinderen duidt op #genocide (art II(e) Genocideverdrag) als wordt bewezen dat dit met oogmerk is om #Oekraïeners te vernietigen als nationale groep, zodat alleen mensen overblijven die zich Rus noemen. Kinderen weghalen = toekomst groep weghalen
Draadje om dit wat nader toe te lichten. De ontvoeringen van kinderen gebeuren al sinds 2014 en is sindsdien een kernonderdeel geweest van de strijd van #Rusland tegen #Oekraine. Inmiddels gaat het om enorme getallen. UKR zegt 300.000 kinderen; RUS zegt zelfs 700.000. #Nieuwsuur
Zoals @lisas_research uitlegde in #Nieuwsuur is de "protection of the children"-retoriek al onderdeel van de propaganda en rechtvaardiging van dit conflict sinds het begin. Zij zeggen de kinderen te redden uit Oekraïense handen om ze zo een nieuwe, Russische toekomst te bieden.
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Si estuviste desconectado la semana pasada, te comento en este 🧵los principales datos que publicó el @INEGI_INFORMA en materia económica del 3 al 6 de enero 2023.
El Indicador de Pedidos Manufactureros #IPM disminuyó 0.56 pts en diciembre 2022, quedando en 51.9 pts, 29 meses por arriba del umbral de 50 pts; a su interior, se observaron caídas en los componentes
correspondientes a pedidos esperados y personal ocupado.
En diciembre 2022 el Indicador de Confianza Empresarial #ICE disminuyó en todos los sectores cubiertos por la #EMOE: en la manufactura
retrocedió (-)0.2 pts, en los servicios privados no financieros (-)2.3 pts, en el comercio (-)0.8 pts y en la construcción (-)0.5 pts.
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