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Mar 3rd 2020
Today we’re discussing soil care as part the #urbanisinginplace research programme…
Kicking off with @Anna_K_speaking speaking about what it means to care ...
Identifying 4 stages of care:

- identifying the need

- accepting the responsibility to meet it

- identifying how you will provide the care

- assessing how well you have provided the care
Read 20 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
We’re super-excited to be welcoming all our #urbanisinginplace partners from Riga, Brussels and Rosario to @fortyhallfarm for the first day of five sharing knowledge and experience about peri urban farming
Working up a festival atmosphere at @fortyhallfarm #livestock
This morning we’re sharing our action plans for each city for the next 18 months. Our colleagues from Argentina are updating us on the political changes in Rosario and the implications it has the urban agroecology programme there
Read 14 tweets
Mar 10th 2019
Day 5 in Rosario with the #Urbanisinginplace project. Today we are visiting the market to see where the farmers we met yesterday are selling their produce.

Follow this #thread to find out about today’s activities!
Sunday is car free day in Rosario. And the quiet streets are being well used by cyclists,skaters and pedestrians - dogs, lots of dogs
This growers works with his parents on a family farm. They provide opportunities for street children to work on the farm, facilitated by the municipality. This is voluntary work they don’t get paid for it.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 9th 2019
Day 4 in Rosario with the #Urbanisinginplace project. Today we are visiting peri urban agroecological farms around the city.

Follow this #thread to find out about today’s activities!
Did you know that the pomegranate peel can be dried and used as a cure for diarrhoea and the seeds for constipation...?! It also contributes to biological control #urban #agroecology
Guava leaves can be used a diuretic and olive leaves can be used to control blood pressure - Reuben takes them to help deal with the stresses of managing the different farmers who grow on the site!
Read 29 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
And now the work begins ... kicking off 4 days in Rosario, Argentina as part of the #urbanisinginplace project - learning how Rosario has supported #urban #agroecology - we’ll be posting to this thread over the 4 days ...
The official welcome from the city of Rosario
Finding out about the political realities of supporting #urban #agroecology in the face of economic and development pressures, and increasing industrial production of soya #urbanisinginplace
Read 19 tweets

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