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Apr 26th 2023
A mini thread.

What do you do with your sweet potato peels? Amaara as known in my native language, can be used to make flour. Gluten free to be precise.

As taught by my grandma, I wash mine, dry them, &grind into flour that I use for baking,porridge and ugali. #Foodsovereighty ImageImageImage
Since I struggle with gluten. I am always exploring with different flours. For baking, I mix the sweet potato peel flour with cassava flour and make bread. I should mention that the flour has a sweet taste because of the natural sugar in the sweet potatoes. And zero bloating💃 Image
For porridge, I mix it with finger millet,groundnuts,sesame,and cowpeas. This is for both fermented and non-fermented porridge.

For ugali, I mix it with cassava and millet flour.

#foodsovereignty #valueaddition ImageImage
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Nov 20th 2022
#COP27 ends, our quick take:
-Hopeful: agreement on loss & damage
-Bad: we’re on track to 2.7C
-Significant: 1st agreement to include action on agriculture & #foodsecurity
-Disappointing: #agroecology & #foodsystems deleted
-Dismaying: zero #climatefinance for small-scale farmers Image
It is a significant step to see the UN #climate agreement will officially begin to target greater action on the 1/3rd of carbon emissions from industrial #agriculture and make agriculture more resilient to climate change - @ZGoita Image
We cannot ignore that the world’s small-scale farmers have been shut out & drowned out from this #COP27 says @Million_Belay of @Afsafrica.

They demanded recognition for diverse resilient farming #agroecology, and #climatefinance. But they leave with very little Image
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Aug 22nd 2022…

Agri culture in India involved raising livestock to support farming, for milk and meat, and also to support the leather industry. It has evolved over millennia and weathered quite a variety of challenges: socio-political and environmental. 1/15
Caste was exploited. In post independent India it was eminently possible to attack caste based occupation & discrimination in farming and livestock rearing, without destroying millennia old knowledge that constituted agriculture. The opportunity was forfeited. 2/15
First by the Congress pandering to upper caste pressures, and now BJP, have targeted livestock rearing and turned the farms and livestock into a battle of political ideologies. 3/15
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Jul 20th 2022
This whole thread (and many of the comments) is amazing — well worth a read.

I share Jason’s vision of a rough road to localized, bioregional agrarian-based communities, although I think urban centres will have the tech & density advantage so will fare much better than suggested
My own focus now is working with rural folks to transition away from fossil fuel dependence, and towards more local regenerative and resilient practices and social relations via #agroecology — the practical alignment of food production and land stewardship.

Strategic withdrawal.
This will entail a move away from dichotomous frameworks and overcharged ideological narratives that interfere with collaborative projects and open dialogue.

It will also entail community efforts to co-envision local futures grounded in trust, reciprocity, and inclusion.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
Divonne-les-Bains : Karin Schneider, l'insolente qui fait du vin ...
Elle réfléchit déjà au vin qu'elle veut faire l'année prochaine, certainement avec du raisin en culture biologique ou en biodynamique.… #biodynamie
Le Hofgut Rengoldshausen célèbre 800 ans de ferme et 90 ans d'agriculture biodynamique. Depuis la fondation au XIIIe siècle, une ferme progressiste s'est développée et les femmes sont toujours influentes. #Biodynamique…
Château d’Estoublon: le jardin provençal du couple Bruni-Sarkozy Depuis longtemps conduite en agriculture biologique, les vignes se voient appliquer les principes de la biodynamie depuis quelques années.… Image
Read 1517 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
This paper “argues that agroecology is contesting and, at least in some places, effectively changing the main social relations of production in today’s agriculture.” 🧵…
“In this respect, [#agroecology] has a strategically important potential for allowing farmers to regain control over the labour process.”
“These practices have emerged as response to distortions in the process of agricultural production that arose as a consequence of increased dependency on external agents (the providers of inputs and technologies, banks, and processing industries)…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
Today we see how vested interests are exploiting the #UkraineRussianWar to harm Europe’s natural environment & the health of its citizens. 👎

We urge the @EU_Commission not to fall for these despicable tactics & to uphold our biodiversity and climate objectives. 🌍🌾

🚨The EU law to #RestoreNature is under threat!

The European Commission has promised to unveil the proposal today but is now postponed without a new publication date.

🗓️ We urge the @EU_Commission to launch the proposal within a month.

👉 Image
We need to stop toxic pesticides from infiltrating our fields & reduce our #fossilfuels dependency.

The time has come for the @EU_Commission to introduce an ambitious #pesticides regulation paving the way towards #agroecology 👩‍🌾 🐝

👉 #UpholdFarm2Fork Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
The #Zapatista tour of #Ireland, a long aul’ thread (but pix and vids!) to wrap up

In 1994 indigenous peasants in the mountains of SE Mexico rose up against #neoliberal capitalism, their latest struggle in 500 years of resisting colonialism…

#LaGiraZapatistaVa #EZLN Zapatista women at La Realidad
If you need a backgrounder, here's Mick McCaughan, ex-Latin American correspondent for the Irish Times and Guardian introducing why the #Zapatistas matter:

27 years later, they hold liberated territory the size of Munster –

governing themselves from below

with a powerful #womxn’s movement

practicing #AgroEcology

and with their own culture, education system, community media...

Read 72 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
The #Zapatista tour of #Ireland is winding up...

They have met w social movements and communities in struggle across the island...

Each learning from each other, and thinking together...

How do we build a better world? Build a new world
Y'day they visited #LoughNeagh and heard from lake protectors who are challenging agricultural pollution and sand dredging of the lake bed.

The struggle against #extractivism is a global one. Zapatista women at Lough Neagh
At the #Belfast community garden GROW, working across community divides and with migrant & women's groups. GROW community garden, Belfast
Read 17 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
💡 How the resetting of corporate control of food systems is already well under way 👇🏾


🧵 A thread on #foodsystems & the #UNFSS /1
Few people will dispute that global food systems need transformation, but this #UNFSS is instead an effort by a powerful alliance of multinational corporations, philanthropies, and export-oriented countries to subvert multilateral institutions of food #governance.

Once Guterres appointed a Special Envoy and the structure of the Summit was announced, the drivers behind the Summit became clear.


Read 35 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
New publication by @NavdanyaInt: Bill Gates & his Fake solutions to #ClimateChange" - Technofixes, Industrial Ag, Billionaires Ventures, & Fake Food will not save our Planet - Biodiversity & Agroecology are True Solutions to Climate Change @drvandanashiva
Behind a humanitarian veil, Bill Gates favours the interests of corporations, promoting failed technological solutions that harm ecosystems & divert attention from the deep systemic changes needed to address the crises we are facing today @drvandanashiva
The common thread that runs through all Bill Gates' programs is the idea that innovation and the market will always save us, that any problem can (and should only) be solved through technology @drvandanashiva #Gates2GlobalEmpire
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Mar 29th 2021
The 1st round of negotiations of the @UN_CFS Policy Recommendations on Agroecological and Other Innovative Approaches has started. Follow this thread for highlights from CSM in English, French and Spanish. 👇
#AgroecologyPolicy Image
We fully support the statements of @FAO and @SwissAmbUN_MIRO noting that assessments of the sustainability of agriculture must be #participatory and #inclusive. Both are basic notions which should be upheld as part of a human rights approach to food systems and nutrition.
Food systems need to be radically transformed through #agroecology, not merely enhanced. Argentina and Brazil's systematic rejection of the terms 'transition' or 'transformation' in the text is alarming!
#FutureIsFoodSovereignty #JustRecovery #AgroecologyPolicy Image
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Mar 8th 2021
📚 This #InternationalWomensDay, a little reading on the West African context 👇🏾

Our partners spent 3 years preparing our report on the transition to #agroecology in West Africa. It was (and remains) abundantly clear how critical #women are to this transition 🌿

🧵Thread /1
"#Women produce between 40-80% of food in the region and playing a leading role in local #food distribution and street vending in West Africa." #IWD2021


🔎 But data measuring the share of food produced, processed & sold by women remains inherently complex & varies across countries. In fact, “quantifying the share of food produced by women involves making many arbitrary assumptions about gender roles in the production process.” /3
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Jan 22nd 2021

1. #SeedWeek is all about celebrating the brilliant growers, gardeners and #seed keepers reviving seed diversity in the UK & Ireland.

As the week draws to a close, we thought we'd get a wee bit serious and talk about WHY their work is so key for us all...
2. Simply put, there's no #food without #seed!

Almost everything we eat is grown from, or ate something that was grown from seed.

Seed is important to every single one of us, every single day.
3. But it's not just the existence of seed that matters. It's the diversity of seeds available to us, and whose hands those seeds are in.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
In IPES-Food's latest report, 'The Added Value(s) of #Agroecology', we focused on a series of obstacles that prevent the transition to agroecological #foodsystems.

🌱 One such obstacle is the *access to #seeds & #organic inputs*. Here's a quick thread on why this matters! 👇🏿

#Farmer seed systems - through which farmers select, multiply, conserve & exchange a wide range of reproducible varieties - are an essential component of #agroecology, which relies on diversity at all levels (including crop genetic diversity). 🌱🌿🌾

#DidYouKnow that these systems account for up to 90% of the seeds used in some African countries? And in #Mali, peasant seed systems make up 75% of the varieties grown in the country.

❗️ However, these systems are lacking in legal recognition and policy support ❗️

Read 13 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
After access to finance, another big obstacle to agroecology is *ACCESS TO #LAND & #WATER* 🌳🚰

📰This month we published 'The Added Value(s) of #Agroecology: Unlocking the potential for transition in West #Africa'

🔎 The research shows why land & water are fundamental 👇🏿

Rapid #population growth, urban sprawl, and land grabbing have created unprecedented pressures on #land and #water resources in West #Africa. Moreover, land laws, often rooted in the colonial era, have generally failed to protect customary tenure and land use.

In fact, between 2000 & 2012, some 3 million hectares of land were subject to large-scale #land acquisitions across nine West African countries.

🔎In #Senegal alone, 650,000+ ha were granted to investors between 2007 & 2016 – equivalent to 16% of the country's arable land❗️

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Sep 23rd 2020
In our latest report, we look at some of the obstacles facing #agroecology in West #Africa and beyond 🌍


But even if you haven't had a chance to read it, don't worry. We'll start giving you a #thread a day.

Obstacles #1?

Access to #finance 💵
Agroecological systems require little investment in external inputs and heavy machinery, as a result of drawing on natural synergies, maximizing #biodiversity, and using locally-available resources.
This makes #agroecology less costly than agro-industrial practices over the medium to long-term, and thus better suited to the economic realities of rural West #Africa
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Sep 7th 2020
NEW REPORT 📰 The Added Value(s) of #Agroecology: Unlocking the potential for transition in West Africa 🌱

🌍 West #Africa has all the ingredients to become a “global frontrunner in agroecology,” according to experts at IPES-Food. Discover why!

👉… Image
The report underlines the vast challenges facing West African @FoodSystems today: temperatures rising 1.5 times faster than global averages; 70-80% of the population living on less than $2 a day; & #COVID19 threatening to plunge millions more into poverty and #foodinsecurity.
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Jul 7th 2020
LISTEN 📻 “Diversity of production and markets is a buffer against vulnerability. Closures of local markets have been short-sighted and damaging to small-scale #farmers and people’s access to #food."🍎

@mleach_ids of IPES-Food & @davidnabarro of @WHO 👇…
@ffinlocostain discusses #COVID19 & the crisis in our #foodsystems w/ @davidnabarro, Special Envoy of @WHO DG on Covid19, & Prof @mleach_ids CBE, a member of IPES-Food. Discussion includes #zoonotic spillover, #OneHealth & strengths & weaknesses in global #food system. 🌱🌿🌻
"Problems that we already knew were there have become extra visible through COVID-19. #Agroecology offers a way forward to solve these problems.” - Melissa Leach of @IPESfood and @IDS_UK 🌿
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Jun 22nd 2020
The 2nd Special Rapporteur on the #RighttoFood, Olivier de Schutter, delivered his final report to the Human Rights Council of the UN General Assembly on 24 Jan 2014. It was titled "The transformative potential of the right to food"
De Schutter's 6-year mandate (2008-2014) coincided with the Global Food Crisis of 2007 - that preceded the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. He visited 13 countries, prepared 10 reports on thematic issues and 2 special reports on the Global Food Crisis -
He said:"The #righttofood is the right of every individual, alone or in community w others, to have physical & economic access at all times to sufficient, adequate & culturally acceptable food that is produced & consumed sustainably, preserving access 2 food 4 future generations"
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Jun 11th 2020
🗞️ 'Industrial #agriculture receiving bulk of #Africa’s agricultural development funding'

💵 "Investments by Bill & Melinda @gatesfoundation, #Kenya and #Switzerland still reinforce status quo in agricultural research," write @Nipashetz #MoneyFlows… Image
"New data shows that only a fraction of agricultural research funding in #Africa is being used to transform #food and farming systems. Only 3% of @gatesfoundation projects in Africa support sustainable, regenerative approaches – or #agroecology," says #Tanzania's @Nipashetz
"The #MoneyFlows report looks at investments in sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on #Switzerland, a major bilateral donor, the @gatesfoundation, the biggest philanthropic investor in agri-#development, and #Kenya, one of Africa’s leading recipients and implementers of '#AgR4D'." ImageImage
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Jun 10th 2020
💦🐔#ChlorinatedChicken... a thread

💦🥗 "We wash salad in chlorine so what's the problem?"

The problem is that 🇺🇸🐔 is washed in chlorine to treat high levels of bacteria, a symptom of poor hygiene & low animal welfare conditions…
Rather than chlorine washing, UK farms use a “farm to fork” approach

This requires high hygiene & animal welfare standards all along the production chain ensuring food sold to consumers is safe

These standards mean chlorine washes aren't needed
🇬🇧🐔 Accepting #ChlorinatedChicken would condone US standards & also pressure UK farmers to lower their prices to compete against cheap, low-quality products

The average price of a whole chicken is £2.70/kg

🤔 Do we need to drive this down further?
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Jun 10th 2020
NEW 📰 The #MoneyFlows report by Biovision, IPES-Food & IDS is out! We look at financial flows in #foodsystems & find out just what is holding back investment in agroecological research in #Africa! 🌱🌍


@FutureForAll @IPESfood @IDS_UK 🌿#Agroecology Image
#MoneyFlows shines a light on some of the most contentious flows of all 💵 We look at investments by:

➡️ The Bill & Melinda @gatesfoundation
➡️ #Kenya-n research institutes 🇰🇪
➡️ #Switzerland 🇨🇭
🔎 ImageImage
What is #agroecology & why are investments in agroecological #research so vital? 🌱🌾🌻

🔎 Check out the #MoneyFlows fact sheets & find out how @gatesfoundation & #Kenya investments lag well behind, while #Switzerland fares better.


#Yes2Agroecology Image
Read 7 tweets

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