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Dec 2nd 2020
#VideoThread: Chemistry guru AKA M.P. Singh explains how #Farmbills2020 are entirely in favour of farmers & is very well explained in this video by sikh brothers who very well explain what it is and how it is. These bills give farmers multiple options to sell their produce. 1/13
Whether they want to sell it through a middleman or directly in the market is entirely upto the will and comfort of the farmer. The Government has empowered the farmers by giving them such opportunities.
All the Three Bills i.e. 1. Farmer Facilitation and promotion 2/13
2. Farmer Pricing, empowerment and protection bill, 3. Essential commodity bill.
People who are protesting don’t have even a slight idea even about the names of the bills.

In a very strong point, they explain how the ill elements in the leadership of opposition to the 3/13
Read 13 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
I am #resident of #JammuAndKashmir .
I myself, my family, my ancestors & other citizens of #JammuAndKashmir had to #Tolerate the #Article370 & #Article35A !

Since constitutional bench of Supreme Court will take up #Article370 tomorrow , here is #VideoThread on
#HorrorsOf370 !
Video 2
How could we TOLERATE strange provision like #Article370 for about 70 long years ?
How #bizarre was the decision to introduce provision like #Article370 in the Indian Constitution that compromised the SUPREMACY of #IndianParliament & #IndianConstitution !
Video 3
I explained to @dograjournalist how #Article370 and #Article35A DISCRIMINATED against #FEMALE PERMANENT RESIDENTS of #JammuAndKashmir for 70 long years that was done away on August 5, 2019 by their abrogation.
Read 14 tweets

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