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Mar 28th 2023
Gotta love @jimmy_dore. How do so many people still not know about these criminals? How long does it take to sink in, people? I mean...It's not brain surgery. 😉
Workforce statistics do not reflect what we're being told.
#VaccineInjuries #VaccineDeaths
#Fauci opened the #Gates of hell.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
On this week's series of #HowtoDesign. We broke down the process of How to #WireFrame.
Do well to learn from this #Thread and share with a friend.
What is #WireFrame? A wireframe is a simple visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website or digital product.
Types of WireFrame
- Low Fidelity WireFrame -
- HIgh Fidelity WireFrame -
Read 7 tweets
May 3rd 2019
@AdobeXD @Adobe Can we keep all the plugins at the top to access easily and frequently? Right now plugins are placed under depth of menus, thus out of sight out of mind. Plugins also create cognitive segments because of their precisely targeted primary objective. #adobexd #ux Image
@AdobeXD @Adobe I wish there exist a visually appealing repository for easy discovery drag-n-drop of Wireframe kit & UI kit. Currently they are hidden deep in menu hierarchy. They need to be searchable too. #prototype #Wireframe #wireframekit #UIkit #feedback #UX Image
#AdobeXD is not Photoshop (with clear objectives) and I think a plugin first approach will help it to establish a flexible transformational platform.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 28th 2019
Wireframe Kits need to be more Discoverable & Searchable. Each Frame of #WireframeKit must be listed separately. Right now a big #Wireframe kit with multiple number of frames are clubbed in a single file make it less discoverable. @Adobe @files_design @iconfinder #UI #XD #Sketch
We need faster way to slice frames from wireframe kit and a design repository to arrange them visually. It must be easily searched and pull to scene from XD interface. #adobexd
Read 3 tweets

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