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Jul 26th 2021
Today on #WorldMangroveDay, we're appreciating these salt-tolerant trees that live where the ocean meets the coast. 🌊🌳 Mangroves provide essential habitat for thousands of species. They also stabilize shorelines, and play an essential role as carbon sinks. 📷@octavioaburto A photo of 3 researchers wo...
Researchers @octavioaburto, @MangroveMatt, @_hsumar, and others at Scripps have studied #mangroves in places like Mexico and the Galápagos Islands. They've been sampling mangrove sediments to understand understand carbon storage in these coastal ecosystems. #WorldMangroveDay An underwater image facing ...
In this video by @NatGeoEducation, Scripps marine biologist Astrid Hsu (@_hsumar) describes how she and other researchers use remote sensing, including satellites and drones, to study mangroves and inform conservation efforts: #WorldMangroveDay
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Jul 26th 2020
For #WorldMangroveDay, let's recognize importance of these ecologically rich & culturally important ecosystems. Like this one in El Encanto de los Manglares del Bajo Baudo, a protected marine area in Chocó in Colombia, which provides vital resources for coastal communities. ImageImage
Mangroves also provide coastal protection.

On the Tigak Islands in Papua New Guinea, there is a real threat to people's homes from the rising sea due to #ClimateChange.

Here mangroves have been planted to provide a potential barrier. #WorldMangrovesDay Image
In Choco, Colombia, the piangüa (ark clam) is gathered from mangroves. It's an important marine resource that coastal communities rely on. As mollusk numbers have declined, communities & organizations like WCS have teamed to manage extraction & allow recovery. #WorldMangroveDay Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Today is #WorldMangroveDay. So let me remind you. #Mangroves;

- acts as buffer & reduce impact of cyclones & #storm surge.
- they break the #wind force
- provide #habitat to #animals during cyclone or otherwise
- they reduce #pollution.

We just need to protect them. Image
So how it works. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & special adaptations. They act like buffer & consume the winds & energy. So after passing the storms get dampen. You must have read in ‘Theory of Vibration’. Image
They are prop roots. In #mangrove #ecosystem they are adventitious support roots. They Grow down from lateral branches, in a way support trees, with doing other root functions. Additionally roots buffer against damage to coasts & enhance biodiversity & carbon sequestration. Image
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