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Jun 16th 2023
"#Odisha is a coastal state and is bound to have cyclones. It is our responsibility to ensure every life is safe.

Read more about the five suggestions for better #DisasterManagement and response in states vulnerable to #cyclones:…

#IAS #Inspiration Image
We adopted a zero-human casualty mission, and it took us 20 years to achieve that,” says IAS officer #PradeepKumarJena, who has seen the state through many interventions that have saved thousands of lives.
Born and raised in Balijhati village of Dhenkanal district, Jena has been in the service since 1989. During his tenure, he has been intrinsic to the state disaster response.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
1/29. 📜NEW BRIEF: Today we launch “PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN: A Non-Economic #LossAndDamage (#NELD) Explainer” covering what #NELD is, why and how it happens, where it happens, who is most affected, and importantly, how we can respond.

🔗Get it here:…
2/29. The brief begins with a foreword by @UNFCCC NELs Expert Group Member @IrfanUllahCDO, who highlights that Non-Economic #LossAndDamage has been largely overlooked in climate negotiations and that urgent action is needed to address #NELD happening now e.g. The #PakistanFloods.
3/29. Then @DLodry of @LossDamageYouth shares the powerful story of his lived experience of Non-Economic #LossAndDamage in #Cameroon called "The Tears Of A Village River And Its Population" which tells how climate-intensified #Drought can lead to a loss of #Culture and #Identity.
Read 29 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
Mangroves are natures own disaster manager. Just 13 seconds to understand how it protects us from Tsunami, Cyclones & storms. Today is #MangrovesDay.
Above video is by courtesy of Dutch research institute Deltares. But how Mangroves protect us from these disasters. Here is a thread.

Mangrove forest after a cyclone. The line of defense after a cyclone.
#Mangrove; not only home for various species but also buffer against #Disaster. Tropical country like India, with densely populated 7500 km long coastline, will be effected by cyclones more due to #ClimateChange. Salt tolerant species acts as a shield. Reposting my old tweets.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
We are roughly 2 months away from the start of #CFB season! Lets talk expectations. Ill go through each team & give what my model predicts as the % chance each team gets to bowl eligbility, and also the % chance each team gets 10+ Ws given their respective schedules. Lets go!🧵
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws)

#Alabama #RTR 99.9%/89.5%
#Arkansas #WPS 55.3%/11.0%
#Auburn #WarEagle 36.9%/1.8%
#Florida #Gators 81.0%/17.4%
#Georgia #UGA 99.9%/93.3%
#Kentucky #BBN 66.7%/7.3%
#LSU #GeauxTigers 81.8%/29.1%
#HailState 47.8%/2.6%
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws) (cont)
#Mizzou 69.2%/11.6%
#OleMiss 96.9%/41.4%
#SouthCarolina 31.2%/0.8%
#Tennessee #Vols 95.3%/35.6%
#TAMU #GigEm 99.0%/75.1%
#Vanderbilt #AnchorDown 2.3%/ <0.1%
Read 12 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
Ready for the #CFB Analytics Spring Top 40? Here we go. This Power Ranking is derived from a model which utilizes full Coach Staff efficiency metrics, roster talent, & returning production among other metrics. No opinion here, I just regurgitate the numbers. #NoOpinionJustNumbers
40 #Kentucky #BBN #SEC Power Rating: 61.726
Returning Production for the Wildcats may be a problem. At 39.72%, it puts them at 113th in the country. The schedule is manageable tho drawing Ole Miss & Miss State out the West. #CFB
39 #Washington #PurpleReign #Pac12
Power Rating: 62.271
Really like the new coaching staff in Seattle. Should put them in a better position to win. Roster talent purge from the prev regime will have an early effect (last 2 classes were 39th, 86th) but the ship has been righted.
Read 42 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
प्रकृति: रक्षति रक्षिता ! Mangrove forest after a cyclone. The line of defense after a cyclone.
#Mangrove; not only home for various species but also a tool against #Disaster. Tropical country like India, with densely populated 7500 km long coastline, will be effected by cyclones more due to #ClimateChange. This salt tolerant species acts as a shield against cyclones. 2/n
So how it works. Reposting my old tweets. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & special adaptations. They act like buffer & consume the winds & energy. So after passing the storms get dampen. 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
Today is #WorldMangrovesDay. So let me remind you. #Mangroves;

- acts as buffer & reduce impact of cyclones & #storm surge.
- they break the #wind force
- provide #habitat to #animals during cyclone or otherwise
- they reduce #pollution.

We just need to protect them.
So how it works. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & special adaptations. They act like buffer & consume the winds & energy. So after passing the storms get dampen. You must have read in ‘Theory of Vibration’.
They are prop roots. In #mangrove #ecosystem they are adventitious support roots. They Grow down from lateral branches, in a way support trees, with doing other root functions. Additionally roots buffer against damage to coasts & enhance biodiversity & carbon sequestration.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
@ipcc_ch reports that b/w 1971 & 2010, oceans absorbed over 90% of the heat gained by the planet due to #globalwarming. This led to #sealevel rise and has also resulted in higher frequency & intensity of #cyclones worldwide. #ClimateChange #MumbaiMustPrepare @mumbaismagic
Indian Ocean has also warmed but what is worrying is the higher rate of #warming in comparison to other global ocean basins. Data shows that Indian Ocean’s rapid basin-wide warming of ~1degC over the last 60 yrs exceeds that of the global average of ~0.7 degC. #MumbaiMustPrepare
Arabian Sea & Bay of Bengal have also seen consistent warming in past decades. The trend in rise in sea surface temperature for BoB has been 0.16C/decade & 0.18C/decade for AS. Arabian Sea indeed has been warming quite rapidly and impacts are for us to see. #MumbaiMustPrepare
Read 14 tweets
May 25th 2021
A 2nd pre-monsoon tropical cyclone off the Indian coast, #CycloneYaas, has formed over the Bay of Bengal, just a week after #CycloneTauktae made landfall on Gujarat’s Saurashtra coast on May 17, 2021. Follow this thread to know more:
#CycloneYaas is very likely to cross the north Odisha-West Bengal coasts between Paradip and Sagar Island around May 26, 2021, at noon with wind speed between 155-165 km per hour, gusting up to 185 km per hour
#CycloneYaas will cause rainfall ranging from moderate to extremely heavy in Odisha’s Jagatsingpur, Kendrapara, Bhadrak, Balasore, Jajpur, Ganjam, Mayurbhanj, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Khurda, Puri, Angul and Sundergarh districts between May 25 and May 26…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Today severe cyclone Nivar will hit eastern coast of India. In 12 seconds learn how coastal green shelter belts check tsunami & cyclones. Dutch research institute Deltares.
We are facing one more #cyclone today. So let me remind you. #Mangroves;

- acts as buffer & reduce impact of cyclones & #storm surge.
- they break the #wind force
- provide #habitat to #animals during cyclone or otherwise
- they reduce #pollution.

We just need to protect them.
So how it works. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & have special adaptations. They act like buffer & which slow down wind & consume energy. So after passing, the storms get dampen. You must have read in ‘Theory of Vibration’.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Proud to announce our new partnership with the head coaches for @CycloneFB @HawkeyeFootball @UNIFootball @DrakeBulldogsFB. Each coach has taped video messages encouraging Iowans to #RegisterToVote and #BeAVoter. Digital ads will also share the message ahead of the 2020 election. Image
"I urge all Iowans to do their part on November 3rd and get out and vote. Whether it’s in person or via an absentee ballot, I hope we all exercise this right that can make a positive impact within our communities.” – Cyclone Football Coach Matt Campbell #Cyclones #BeAVoter
"There is no better way to engage with your community than by getting involved in the electoral process. Whether you participate in person or via absentee ballot, make a positive impact by registering to vote today.” – Iowa Hawkeye Football Coach Kirk Ferentz #Hawkeyes #BeAVoter
Read 5 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Today is #WorldMangroveDay. So let me remind you. #Mangroves;

- acts as buffer & reduce impact of cyclones & #storm surge.
- they break the #wind force
- provide #habitat to #animals during cyclone or otherwise
- they reduce #pollution.

We just need to protect them. Image
So how it works. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & special adaptations. They act like buffer & consume the winds & energy. So after passing the storms get dampen. You must have read in ‘Theory of Vibration’. Image
They are prop roots. In #mangrove #ecosystem they are adventitious support roots. They Grow down from lateral branches, in a way support trees, with doing other root functions. Additionally roots buffer against damage to coasts & enhance biodiversity & carbon sequestration. Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
We are facing one more #cyclone today. So let me remind you. #Mangroves;

- acts as buffer & reduce impact of cyclones & #storm surge.
- they break the #wind force
- provide #habitat to #animals during cyclone or otherwise
- they reduce #pollution.

We just need to protect them.
So how it works. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & special adaptations. They act like buffer & consume the winds & energy. So after passing the storms get dampen. You must have read in ‘Theory of Vibration’.
They are prop roots. In #mangrove #ecosystem they are adventitious support roots. They Grow down from lateral branches, in a way support trees, with doing other root functions. Additionally roots buffer against damage to coasts & enhance biodiversity & carbon sequestration.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 20th 2019
Version 3 of the #CFBPlayoff rankings were released last night. What you expected? If youve followed along since early Oct you know the process. You werent surprised. For the rest of you, lets take a look & compare to what was projected using the same process used for 5 yrs.
First off, why does the committee use this process? Think about it. 14 busy guys make up this committee. They have roughly 60 hrs from when the last game ends on Sat to when they need to have this Top 25 created on Tues. If they evaluate only 30 teams to get that 25, how much
time is adequate to evaulate? 1 hr? Thats 30 hrs of evaluation. Half the time is gone & no one has slept. The process of getting a consensus out of 14 people hasnt even started. Thats why this process is kept so simple, & its why they have a defined predictable process.
Read 29 tweets
May 14th 2019
The #Earth has already warmed by more than 1 °C due to #ClimateChange. Looking at our common home from space, we can witness the impacts in real-time. Thread. 1/10 🌎
We see that #wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense, like here in California. 2/10
(Image: @esa @Astro_Alex)
Or here in Sweden (in 2018). 3/10
(Image: @esa)
Read 10 tweets

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