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@AnataNFT is a limited 2,000 NFT project that’s making headway to take Virtual Identity in the Web 3 world to the next level.

A thread on how I'm approaching this project.

Disclaimer! I'm just sharing my thoughts and in no way shilling/fudding.

All love to the founders ♥

There are plenty of long threads out there explaining their bullish views so I shall give you my short take:

@AnataNFT is the newest and its innovation is 1st of its kind in the Virtual Identity vertical of the NFT world.
We've seen Virtual Identity take the form of:

• PFPs (Punks, BAYCs, Clones, Azukis)
• Playable Characters (SandBox, Decentraland, ChillChatme)
• A bit of a stretch here.. ENS domains / Yats
Read 23 tweets
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets

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