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May 29th 2023
Lord Surya's Rays and the Mystery of Vidyashankar Temple 🌞πŸŽͺ

Vidyashankar Temple (Karnataka) has12pillars,
On which solar symbols are made. Every morning when the sun rays enter the temple, they hit a special pillar indicating the current month of the year...surprise isn't it
But some people, being blind in the darkness of ignorance and being fooled by stupidity, make fun of #HinduCulture and for the information of those people, let me tell that this temple was built during Vijayanagara Empire and
Vijayanagara Empire was the most powerful of medieval India. There was a huge Hindu empire and the surprising thing is that the #MalechhaArmy never had the courage to confront this empire directly.
Read 15 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
#𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨π₯𝐨𝐠𝐲 π”π©ππšπ­πž: Predictions For Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio

Sun Ingresses Into Sweet PISCES β™“οΈŽ - From 18th February To March 20th 2023

Welcome to the Pisces Season folks - The Fundamentalist Fishes Of God`s Consciousness Image
Welcome To Pisces Season πŸ¦ˆπŸπŸŽπŸπŸ‘ - Time To Not Be Afraid Of Worldy Desires For The Sake Of Greater Cause Of Mystique Healing

THEMES: Spiritualism, Transcendence Towards Nirvana, Dreaming, Stand For The Purpose Through Imagination & Congegrational Practices
Of Life Defined By The God & Holly Book…

Motto Of The Piscean Fundamentalists: Nirvana, Spirituality, Religious Practises, Treating Priests With Nobality & According To The Preachings Being Fundamentalists & Custodian Of The Divine World Of Mysticism…
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Aug 2nd 2021
How each zodiac sign controls relationships - by astrologer and palmist, Sunita Chabra
This thread have few details, for details, read more:…
Did you know -
Aries, sometimes it's better to lose the argument rather than lose the trust and love of your partner.

#Aries #ZodiacSigns
Leo, the Lion, will always care for you, even if they don’t show. If you open your heart to them, they will open up to you and reflect that love back. Never ever argue with them, they will always have the last say, even when they know they are not right.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
Aathi Kumbeshwara swamy #Temple - Mahadev Shiva is the main deity here. Aathi is primordial origin implies ancient. The Kumbeswarar is in Shiva Linga form which is a formless form - called aaru (formless)+uru (form)=aaruuru. @LostTemple7 ImageImage
The shape of lingam is of very special significance its in conical shaped lingam, This is unique in the world. The #Sattology derives the meaning of the shape & the name. The city name #Kumbakonam itself derived from the name of Mahadev - Kumba @Itishree001 @almightykarthik Image
& the slight angle of the Linga, hence the name "#Kumbakonam".
It is one of the 127 temples on the southern banks of river #Cauvery. It's mentioned as, 'Thirukkudamooku' in 'Thevaram',at present its called #Kumbakonam. It is a prime #Temple @Elf_of_Shiva_ @hathyogi31 @RajeAiyer Image
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