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Apr 10th 2022
Pedophile Epstein employed over 300 people. The clientele had to number in the thousands.

And the kingpin escaped to Florida.

The Justice Department and FBI are protecting these sick, evil, criminal, child raping pedophiles.

How many in Congress? ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
Witness for #GhislaineMaxwell today #MichelleHealy in video with her architect husband #ArtTatum.
At the 27sec mark you can see her sister #ShannonHealy and her husband #TomPascuzzi, both seated, who were both in #Epstein's Black Book for #ZorroRanch. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Here is an episode we did last year about #MichelleHealy and #ShannonHealy who we dubbed the #ZorroRanch sisters.
Both worked for #Epstein and #GhislaineMaxwell.…
Here is a list of #MichelleHealy’s addresses over the years - note Red Hook which is the mailing address for #Epstein’s #LittleStJames Island and the New York addresses.
Healy was a witness for #GhislaineMaxwell today. Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
From 2017

All these child rape images came from CIA servers

Wikileaks CIA whistleblower framed by the SDNY @TheJusticeDept scumbags and federal
This would take them all down!

Is this is why Pompeo and #Blackmailed #Perverts wanted to off Assange
Read 5 tweets
Aug 29th 2021
sick perverted fruits by Luciferian design... Image
Hey everybody, just look at those wicked Taliban over in Afghanistan... Image
Read 6 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
As the Federal #UniParty transports Unvaccinated, Unmasked, Untested Weaponized "Refugees" throughout America's heartland, Dirty Rat Mitch Mcconnell mumbles about vaccines made with Satan's Special Sauce in 3 fast tracked batches by #globalistpsychopaths 4 unprecedented profits
Read 13 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
Mark Middleton the former #Clinton White House presidential aide is in #Epstein’s 1997 black book. In late 96 he was barred from entering without permission. ImageImage
Interesting detail in #Epstein’s massage contacts list. Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
Here version 17 of the Epstein Network Map w/ 63 additions & 15 updates. Detailed are at least 45 victims & those connected to him in fashion, real estate, finance, Harvard, Sci/Tech, entertainment, politics, royalty, New Mexico, Florida, USVI & much more!…
Since this is a large file (52in x 54in) it can be DOWNLOADED and viewed as a PDF with hyperlinks to resources, articles and videos through my Google Drive link. It can also be viewed in the broken down sections below.…
The ARTIST & PHOTOGRAPHER connections including Rachel CHANDLER Guinness who has over 14 connections. Thanks to help from @entylawyer @TruthQanon95 ! #Epsteindidntkillhimself #EpsteinPedophileRing #EpsteinCoverup #epsteinnetworkmap #rachelchandler
Read 28 tweets

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