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Dec 29th 2022…

🔞Here We Go Again: BENETTON
Fashion “Art Directors” & Photographers

#OlivieroToscani-Italian photographer known worldwide for designing controversial Ad campaigns for Benetton (1982-2000)

1982 he became the "Art Director" for Benetton Group
🔞Most famous UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON campaigns:
▪️ man dying of AIDS
▪️ bloody boy’s shirt/pants
▪️ baby attached to umbilical cord
▪️ 2011 campaign showing OBAMA, the Pope & other world leaders kissing
▪️ 2005 campaign for Ra-Re: Gay men laughing, touching winkies, playing w a naked baby

❓Can anyone explain how gay men touching crotches playing w naked babies, bloody kid’s clothes & world leader’s sucking face brings in $ for Benetton?
Read 9 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
Balenciaga a crashé toutes ses publications Intagram
#RachelChandler a passé l'insta de sa boite (25 000 followers) qui fournissaient les "mannequins" atypiques en mode privé.
Ca sent la panique !!
Probablement son agence etait une couverture servant de catalogue en fait pour fournir des reseaux pedocriminels.
Possiblement celui d' Eptsein
Pour au moins 1 raison. Elle s'est mariée avec un membre de la famille Guiness. Cette famille etait en lien avec
D'autres photos qu'elle a publié seraient attribuées
à "Pedo Island" (dont panneau de surveillance vid)
Read 4 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
#RachelChandler , malgré ses references repetées a la pédocriminalité a eu un beau mariage dans un manoir
Elle a épousé un aristocrate ? Guiness.
De la famille Guiness des Bières ? si oui on a relayé un tweet hier.
Vogue magazine:…
Il n'est pas courant d'avoir des gens déguisés en Lapin géant blanc à son mariage... n'est ce pas ?
Sauf chez les Pédocriminels ou ça a une signification particulière.
Un temple au allures "barbares" surmonté de cornes semble incongru dans la déco (culte babylonien ?)
Le wedding cake en tour de Babel , mais comme d'hab
ils l'imaginent ronde , alors que historiquement elle etait carrée (Ziggurat de babylone)
Read 6 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
A scary thread on the come back of a self proclaimed pedophile in the world of fashion footwear, Designing for #Puma X #Fenty the later belonging to #Rihanna.

The story starts with #Balenciagas very own #rachelchandler 🐇🕳️🔞
This picture has been circulating the internet, Rachel Chandler and Bill Clinton.
The theory goes that's the Lolita Express Private Plane belonging to Epstein. However It's a theory and we won't focus on that. Rachel Chandler have worked w Balenciaga. ImageImage
I don't want to focus too much on Rachel Chandler as there are a lot of info,videos etc about her. However she worked with a model called Bianka Berényi, googling Bianka she seems to be up to a few different things, some movies in Hungary,she also makes music :EU Cannibal ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Well, I'm going to leave here another Rabbit coming out of the hole, I've tried to post before, but I was blocked and chased, let's see if the post and the channel are still up now, follow the thread... 👇🏼🐰 1/25.… ImageImageImageImage
#GhislaineMaxell is under arrest. Will she name names? Or will she turn up dead in her cell too? The image is from the surveillance cameras of the tunnels on #Epstein Island. 2/25. Image
This was hanging on a wall in #GhislaineMaxwell's house.

As is public knowledge, she is an ex-girlfriend and best friend of #JeffreyEpstein. 3/25. ImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
I have been on a mission for the past few months, trying to find an archived copy of an alleged Rachel Chandler picture. It is a picture of a young child holding a knife/dagger above another small child. Image
I have been through many of the archived threads from 2016, and I have not come across that picture yet. I did come across several interesting archived Instagram & Tumblr posts.
I first came across the Rachel Chandler picture of the exit sign to the NSA, in a thread from Nov 2016. I later came across this archived version.

Hat tip: @ausbitbank…
Read 27 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
Here version 17 of the Epstein Network Map w/ 63 additions & 15 updates. Detailed are at least 45 victims & those connected to him in fashion, real estate, finance, Harvard, Sci/Tech, entertainment, politics, royalty, New Mexico, Florida, USVI & much more!…
Since this is a large file (52in x 54in) it can be DOWNLOADED and viewed as a PDF with hyperlinks to resources, articles and videos through my Google Drive link. It can also be viewed in the broken down sections below.…
The ARTIST & PHOTOGRAPHER connections including Rachel CHANDLER Guinness who has over 14 connections. Thanks to help from @entylawyer @TruthQanon95 ! #Epsteindidntkillhimself #EpsteinPedophileRing #EpsteinCoverup #epsteinnetworkmap #rachelchandler
Read 28 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
Check out version 14 of the Epstein Network Map; The Victims, Recruiters, Hollywood & Entertainment, Florida, Models & Fashion, Politicians, Royalty, Science, Financial, Hotel & Real Estate and so much more. #EpsteinUnsealed #EpsteinFiles #EpsteinBlackBook…
The Hollywood & Entertainment connections 👇 A lot of great info and blinds provided by @entylawyer ! #EpsteinUnsealed #EpsteinFiles #EpsteinBlackBook #Pedowood #Geffen #KevinSpacey #BryanSinger #TheSimpsons #JoshLucas
Read 30 tweets
Sep 3rd 2019
Congrats to #RachelChandler's husband @thomasguinness & his new baby mama @tishweinstock.
Hey Tom, where's Rachel? She's been MIA since NOV 2015. Is she in custody? Asking for A LOT of friends.
#QAnon @StormIsUponUs @paulsperry_ @Qanon76 @M2Madness @Jordan_Sather_ @Tiff_FitzHenry
@thomasguinness @tishweinstock @StormIsUponUs @paulsperry_ @Qanon76 @M2Madness @Jordan_Sather_ @Tiff_FitzHenry Tom's new lady is friends with Rosetta Getty. Could this be why all of Rachel Chandler's pics have been scrubbed from Getty Images?
#WhereIsRachel #QAnon #JeffreyEpstein
@thomasguinness @tishweinstock @StormIsUponUs @paulsperry_ @Qanon76 @M2Madness @Jordan_Sather_ @Tiff_FitzHenry When I went to check Rachel's Instagram archives, I noticed something strange... Why was her IG first archived in NOV 2016? It wasn't Anons. We didn't learn about her until Q Drop #1054 on 4/6/18.
Read 17 tweets

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