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Aug 5th 2020
"...he represented large corporations that were fighting lawsuits from workers who claimed they were discriminated against or had their wages stolen by their employers."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #Election2020 #wednesdaymorning #MeltonMeaux
"#IlhanOmar has been a vocal critic of Israel and a supporter of the #Boycott, Divestment and #Sanctions movement against it. One of the only #Muslims in #Congress, she has also criticized the $3.8 billion in yearly aid the U.S. gives #Israel"
#BDS #Election2020 #wednesdaymorning Image
"#IlhanOmar is being smeared and slandered in a particularly shameful manner, with cynical actors using the suffering and fear of Jews under #racist attack to try to prevent any more #progressive changes in #America today."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #Election2020
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