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Nov 26th 2018
Disillusionment? No. 👉 Just last year, @Stanford’s Steven Quake identified over 3000 previouly undiscovered #viruses, #bacteria and fungal organisms in the #blood of immunocompromised subjects☝️Using cell-free #DNA sequencing that accounted for contamination...
Then concluded the paper by stating that the novel #organisms 👉 “...have potential consequences for human #health. They may prove to be the cause of acute or chronic #diseases that, to date, have unknown etiology…”☝️What hope for #microbiome-based therapies! ImageImageImageImage
Also, as #microbiome researcher, I am incredibly encouraged by the explosion of human #phage + #virome research in just the past years (+ associated tools for novel #virus identification) 👉 Plus, better #archea-targeting methodologies like those used… ImageImage
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