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Jun 5th 2023
On #WorldEnvironmentDay2023 sharing my top 5 #Wildlife destinations. A thread with photos by @shranjan

1) Corbett - The #beauty of #Corbett lies in its montane #river valleys, majestic Sal #forests and expansive #grasslands teeming with #wildlife.

@ReserveCorbett #Dhikala ImageImageImageImage
2) Tadoba - It has transformed from a little known forest in the 90’s to Central India’s tiger capital. The only park where tiger sightings in #buffer zone are as good as the core.
@etadoba #tadoba @SvasaraResorts #TigerReserve ImageImageImageImage
3) Kaziranga - Wildlife as far as the #eye can see, the only park in #India that can match the experience of #MasaiMara. You can sight the “Big Five” in a single #safari.

@kaziranga_ #Assam #BigFive @assamforest ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Oct 5th 2020

// a thread to index threads


Where do creativity and history meet?

Author Elizabeth Garner @Lostandfoundst2 from @BlackdenTrust joins archaeologist Dr. Tim Campbell Green @TimACG for @LITmacclesfield event "a weekend of stories and light in Macclesfield.

I think @TimACG mentions a cross roads in this vidoe, but it might have been YouTube auto-selecting a video after this one.

At the crossroads at Chuch Lawton are 3 Bronze age sites. We're inspired by @BlackdenTrust and the idea of stories, places, boundaries and crossroads...
Read 9 tweets

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