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Jun 10th 2023
"Lotus Feet" in China
According to ancient Chinese tradition, a bride must have a tiny foot. Girls with standard-sized feet are often ridiculed and not taken as brides.


#Women #China #Beauty Image
1. For this reason from the age of 4-5 girls' feet are tightly bandaged so that the feet simply do not grow, and for the next 10 years the future wives endure unbearable pain in the name of beauty.

2. The procedure deforms the foot, and by the age of 18 it does not grow longer than 10 centimeters. The Chinese provinces have an entire shoe industry for the occasion.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
On #WorldEnvironmentDay2023 sharing my top 5 #Wildlife destinations. A thread with photos by @shranjan

1) Corbett - The #beauty of #Corbett lies in its montane #river valleys, majestic Sal #forests and expansive #grasslands teeming with #wildlife.

@ReserveCorbett #Dhikala ImageImageImageImage
2) Tadoba - It has transformed from a little known forest in the 90’s to Central India’s tiger capital. The only park where tiger sightings in #buffer zone are as good as the core.
@etadoba #tadoba @SvasaraResorts #TigerReserve ImageImageImageImage
3) Kaziranga - Wildlife as far as the #eye can see, the only park in #India that can match the experience of #MasaiMara. You can sight the “Big Five” in a single #safari.

@kaziranga_ #Assam #BigFive @assamforest ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Finally got around to finishing Andor! Very well done! A powerhouse of a series with sharp writing, beautiful sets/photography, compelling characters, and inspiring stories! I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I was going to.

But I’ve two trains of thought: 🪡 #Andor ImageImageImageImage
One: The Obstruction of Myth aka How I long for the simple beauty of a Luke Skywalker.

Due to a variety of factors, I believe the purpose of myth in our stories has been forgotten. Perhaps it is due to cliches, poor writing, the exploitation of utilitarianism - #art #Andor 1/6
- but probably mostly due to disillusionment & cynicism infiltrating our culture, but whatever the cause - we started to believe that Myth was outdated because it did not reflect back to us the reality of our experience. #Andor #StarWars #art 2/6
Read 15 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
#beauty #Halal over haute: Certification as key factor for cosmetics purchases, not ingredients…
Here in the United States, #halal products are marketed to non-#Muslims for "purity."
An article on #halal vitamins that appeared on some non-#Muslim site (can't remember which) was basically #dawah-ganda
Read 3 tweets
Dec 25th 2022

1/10. This is a Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis.

One of the over 2,400 Mantis species.

This starts a thread with some great mantis videos.

Stay tuned.

➡️ RT

#insects #nature #wildlife #mantis #NaturePhotography #science #photography #videos

2/10. Mantises, like many nature related subjects, is something you can read about in The Planet newsletter.

Subscribe to The Planet and start your day with stories about the beauty of nature, or threats like climate change.

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3/10. If you see an insect with a triangular head, bulging eyes, sitting upright with arms folded like in prayer, it is likely a ‘praying’ mantis.

Here is an example. It is not praying, but eating a bumblebee.

#bees #mantises #insectphotography
Read 10 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
If you like that Hawaii, California, Arizona, Texas are states, you'll also love it if beautiful #PuertoRico becomes a state. And I'm glad it's under discussion.🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 #StatehoodForPR…
2/ #travelbloggers #DiscoverPuertoRico #Love #Beauty - Here's stunning, romantic San Juan, Puerto Rico... I strongly recommend visiting it. You'll love doing so, and you'll help the local economy and wonderful people. Win-win!
3/ #maps #PuertoRico's population exceeds Utah, Iowa, Nevada, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, West Virginia, Idaho, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
I just laughed this morning, first they yell about her, tell her to #gohome, she can’t be a pastor (though she wasn’t trying nor wanting to be)
She left battered & bruised but free (🙏🏻) now they want her to act like a Pastor 🤷‍♀️😂 have alter calls
You can’t make it up🧵
I laugh because if she did they’d yell about it
People who’ve truly grown in grace & truth, who’ve eaten of the at times painful fruit of being humbled & you sit at His feet because you believe Him not because you “deserve” it or are privy to some secret knowledge…you have 🧵
🧵 faith b/c He has humbled you & shown you His love & you’ve grown in your trust, Him working in you
You’ve lost the need to worry about all the fluff, the noise, the works, because you drink of knowledge as you mature in faith, not in works
There’s so much noise out there 🧵
Read 7 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
Beauty Parlor #Stroke Syndrome

1. I recently saw a 50-year old woman with symptoms of dizziness, nausea & vomiting, which started during her hair wash with shampoo in a beauty parlor. Initially, she was taken to a gastroenterologist, who treated her symptomatically.
2. Symptoms did not improve, the next day she developed mild imbalance while walking. She was referred for my opinion. She had mild right cerebellar signs. MRI brain revealed infarct in right posterior inferior cerebellar territory, MR angiogram showed left vertebral hypoplasia
3. A diagnosis of #beauty #parlor stroke syndrome involving right PICA territory was made. Possible mechanism is kinking of vertebral artery during hyperextension & turning of neck towards wash-basin while washing hair with shampoo. She had well controlled #Hypertension too.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
#venus & #Mars

The best thing about Mars and Venus conjunction, placement, opposition’s and trine to each other is , it will makes your very passionate in whatever endeavour you follow, either it’s about #relationship, #marriage or in any creative studies or profession
i.e music, #fashion, #beauty, film industry, media, #Sports, #gymming and show biz etc. If we go for majority of views, Venus and mars conjunction usually delays a marriage,a person may remain unmarried if there is involvement of either Saturn or nodes Aspect on this
conjunction in either D1 or d9. If the person is married the native may not have a normal home life due to spouse working in different city or different work culture; however the conjunction itself does not cause any multiple partners either before or after the marriage .
Read 5 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
nadine for @RankMagazine
Makeup @jellyeugenio
Styling @joannagee
Hair @paulnebreshair using @DysonHair @wpi_ph
#hairbypaulnebres #nadinelustre
©️djmagbanua Image
Day 6 🎥
©️red_mikhail (09/14/22) Image
Read 252 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
Pemakaian bengkung bersalin buat ibu berpantang menjadi kewajiban dalam tradisi masyarakat Melayu

Kini terdapat bengkung moden yang jauh lebih mudah dipakai dan dibuka semula. Jadi, apakah manfaat berbengkung?
#bengkung #girdle #corset #beauty #health…
Kini para ibu amat bertuah dengan adanya bengkung moden iaitu lebih mudah dipakai dan dibuka semula.

Berbanding jenis tradisional yang menggunakan teknik lilitan tali kain. Agak sukar dan mungkin tidak selesa.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
Bengkung merupakan benda yang tidak asing lagi dalam kaum wanita yang kebiasaannya digunakan selepas melahirkan anak

Apakah itu bengkung?
#bengkung #girdle #corset #health #beauty…
Ia merupakan antara amalan tradisi orang Melayu untuk memakainya bagi mendapatkan kembali bentuk badan asal ketika proses berpantang.

Ada juga yang memakai bengkung untuk kekal ramping dan mengempiskan badan.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
Bagi ibu bersalin, terdapat pelbagai barang yang anda perlu membeli untuk bantu memudahkan tempoh pantang

Antara barang yang penting untuk ibu bersalin termasuklah bengkung bersalin
#bengkung #health #beauty #girdle #corset…
Namun begitu, masih ramai ibu yang tidak tahu tentang kepentingan serta kelebihan memakai bengkung apabila mereka sedang dalam pantang.
Bengkung merupakan sehelai kain yang panjang yang dililitkan di bahagian abdomen ibu yang berpantang bagi membantu mereka merampingkan semula badan mereka.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
Seperti kulit wajah, tubuh kita juga memerlukan scrub badan untuk membuang sel-sel kulit mati

Namun apakah scrub badan terbaik untuk digunakan?
#scrub #bodyscrub #beauty #health #soothing…
Perbuatan skrub badan ini sangat penting bagi membantu pertumbuhan kulit baharu setelah menggantikan sel-sel kulit mati.

Hasilnya, kulit akan tampak lebih bersih, cerah dan glowing! Siapa yang tidak mahu kulit; baik badan mahupun muka, tampak glowing secara sihat, kan?
Read 3 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
Bringing the #Beauty to #COVID19-Testing.
And the winner is ...
Thomas! 🥳
The first rule of the corona fight club:
We don't speak about ...
the beauty
and the beast.
(picture of beast not included)
Read 4 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
What My Housing Complex Gon Look Like And Be Called When its all said n DonE💯🌟🌇🪂 #beautiful #beauty #HouseoftheDragon #Trade #TripleOPesOFlaccO #ThembaOnShowmax #MultiverseOfMadness #Ireland #BLACKPINK #Bitcoin #BloodSisters #LazadaSuperBrandsFiesta TripleO PesO FlaccO #spin
love bitcoin, bitcoin to the moon!
Read 3 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
#THREAD on #WHAT is #RBI likely to do tomorrow at the #MPC and #Why and how it would #IMPACT Markets? #RETWEET

(1) A rate Hikes I’d probably 30-40bps
(2) More #Importantly, a 25-50bp CRR Hike as well

What are the Drivers of this Decision?
RBI biggest Driver of Policy in my view is FOREX.

India is suffering Daily Forex Outflows Due to
(1) high Commodity Prices (Oil & Coal etc)
(2) FPI outflows
(3) Rising Remittances while FDI has slowed down

Recall that Jndia is still NOT added to the JPM EM debt Index (NA)
Two ways to arrest the INR depreciation is to raise Rates (REPO) or reduce Liquidity (CRR)

But we know India has a Demand Issue.

More #IMPORTANTLY, higher Rates will HURT the Govts Borrowing Cost and Eventually Raise System Deposit Rates
Read 19 tweets
May 16th 2022
✨ First Impression✨

Phyto-Glo Clarifying Facial Oil Serum by Everybuddy

A Thread #racuninskincare #racunskincare #reviewskincare #skincare #beauty ImageImage
Hwala! Aku Iyya🙋‍♀️

Kali ini aku bakal nunjukkin temen-temen sebuah produk skincare yang menarik banget, si kecil-kecil cabe rawit — Everybuddy Phyto-Glo Clarifying Facial Oil Serum!! Image
Sekilas tentang Everybuddy, jadi brand ini merupakan "reinkarnasi" dari brand skincare Muddybuddy (yang dulu terkenal sama maskernya ituu) setelah sempet vakum selama beberapa tahun.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
On my way!! First part of a month-long trip Amsterdam-Austria-Slovenia-Croatia & back again! Bon voyage to me ;) Excited, expectant & slightly nervous! ImageImage
Double rainbow : a good omen! Image
Good news: had some sleep & breakfast; first sighting of the mountains under snow!! Also: 2 hour delay, missed connecting train, extra stop in Salzburg. ImageImageImageImage
Read 74 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
Since it's #InternationalWomensDay, here's a thread of TEN #BlackWomen #Creators in #Anime and #Manga Spaces that you NEED to know about!
First up is: @NeyshaPlays, an exceptionally talented
multidisciplinary Digital Creative. She's a podcaster, writer & pop culture critic and an AMAZING Cosplayer. Is there anything that she can't do?

P.S. The answer to that question is NO. She can do everything!
Next we have: @tudzdotexe! Tudz is a #BlackBritish Youtuber, Podcaster, Streamer and Magical Girl. Get into her content please, because it is AMAZING!

Her #Podcast: @4EyesAcademia

Her #Youtube Channel:…
Read 12 tweets
Jan 25th 2022
1/🧵 Beauty in simplicity
For too long in life, I thought success was about climbing in the 🌎’s eyes…higher, better, farther. My physician wife & I are “new parents” to my 58 y/o brother w #DownSyndrome & he’s giving me all kinds of new understanding of what matters.

2/ When I come home, Greg is usually hiding from me, like you see here. He thinks so beautifully, “How can I make someone else #happy in the small things in life?”

Here he is hiding in plane sight next to our dog Butter. Look at that grin!

3/ Hide and Seek: He taught me that if he can’t see me, I can’t see him!

At first that seems nutty, but in truth, for me to enter “into #relationship” w you, we do need to SEE EACH OTHER, right?

So who’s teaching who here?!
Read 6 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021

1. I’m fascinated by the beauty of nature and enjoy learning more every day. Look for instance at these mushrooms realising millions of microscopic spores to propagate.

🧵 A thread about the beauty of planet earth, our only home.

#nature #science

2. That’s right, it’s our only home. That means we have to be extra careful, we don’t have a spare.

When it heats up, or loses it’s complex ecosystems, we will all be in trouble.

NASA took this photo of the dark side of the moon from 1 million miles away.



3. If you care about the beauty of nature and follow issues like climate change, read The Planet.

Subscribe, and start your day with this newsletter, it really needs your support. 🙏

🧵This thread continues with more videos.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 3rd 2021

1. Try to see something beautiful every day

What did you see today?

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🧵 Thread

#sunset #sundayvibes #SundayMotivation #beauty #nature

2. The beauty of nature is a theme you can read about in The Planet newsletter.

Subscribe to The Planet and start your day with stories about #nature, the #environment, or threats like #climate change.

➡️ Please subscribe 🙏

🧵 Thread

3. A cornflower, also known as a ‘bachelor’s button’, is a species that is now endangered in its natural habitat by the over-use of herbicides.

#flowers #biodiversity #nature
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Sep 30th 2021

1. Life is so delicate.

We conquered the planet and that gives us a responsibility to preserve all species.

Enjoy this thread on beautiful, delicate life.


➡️ RT

#nature #wildlife #biodiversity #NaturePhotography #science #photography #videos

2. Our responsibility to preserve all forms of life is a theme you can read about in The Planet newsletter.

Subscribe to The Planet and start your day with stories about the beauty of nature, or threats like climate change.

➡️ Please subscribe 🙏


3. All forms of life are fragile, but some are even more so. 🐦

#birds #wildlifephotography #environment #beauty #parenting
(The wasp photo in previous tweet was from a tweet by @raymond_LLM)

Read 8 tweets

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