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Sep 19th 2020
Those Koreans need to remember the fact that over 800,000 Korean men applied to join the Imperial Japanese Army by their own free wills during WW2, that some of the applicants even committed suicide because they failed to be Japanese soldiers🙄#CancelKorea
Those Koreans always blame everything about #ComfortWomen on Japan, but they need to remember that there were actually thousands of Korean women abduction cases done by Koreans. Japan was busy cracking those criminals down to save the women🙄#CancelKorea ImageImage
Remember the fact that the testimony later became one of the sources of "200,000 of Korean girls were forced into #SexSlaves by the Japanese Army" has already turned out to be #FakeNews, that was officially retracted by Asahi Shimbun with apology in 2014🙄…
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Sep 10th 2020
The Rising Sun emblem is offensive to Koreans, as well as other Asian countries because of history, the same way the Nazi Swastika is rightfully offensive. Why aren't we Filipinos who put up #cancelkorea offended by it? Well, bec we don't know our history. Nakakaawa tayo.
Remember when Duterte clandestinely removed the Comfort Women monument in Roxas Boulevard? Maybe we have forgotten that Manila was the 2nd most destroyed Allied capital of #WWII before the Japanese were defeated.
While we are all for forgiveness, forgiveness is cheap if we forgive even when Japanese leaders continue to go to the Yasukuni Shrine to honor war criminals who committed great atrocities. This is what the Rising Sun emblem means.
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Sep 9th 2020
Do you know why "K-pop" was made?
It was to solve the "dislike of Korea" that emerged as a national issue.
The Chosun Ilbo 2008/08/16…(dead link)
It was written that "overwriting the deteriorating image of Korea to the positive one through the Korean style".
Why did the international image deteriorate?
In Korean society, the concept of equals is rare, and human relationships are judged by "which is upper or lower."
Koreans who became economically wealthy and entered foreign countries had "Korean values."
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Sep 8th 2020
No to offend anyone or to defend anyone re. #cancelkorea but have you asked these questions first, a thread:
1. Has anyone of you done thorough research re. the social media user/s who made those distasteful comments against us? Are you sure that they aren't trolls/bots? 1/3
2. Have you also examined the possibility that it is a way to create unnecessary division/confusion pitting us against one another using our personal biases #KPopFans #KDramas #KoreanFood towards #SouthKorea as a whole? 2/3
3. If the alleged people involved refuse to apologize, will/can you permanently #cancelkorea? Do you prefer a prominent #Kpop artist/star to do it instead to make amends? By the way, are you also equally offended by #China's aggression? #WPSIsOurs 3/3
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