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Apr 26th 2023
We’re on Capitol Hill today to tell Congress: we need care, not cuts! #SaveMedicaid A group of advocates hold s...
“While advocates are calling for more care, we’re here calling for no cuts to care.” Our @NJorwic explains why cuts and work requirements on #Medicaid are unacceptable! #SaveMedicaid Image
“When you’re talking about a cut that big, the first place it’ll hit are programs like home- and community-based services.” @NJorwic explains how the proposed debt ceiling bill will impact families like hers. We can’t afford to make cuts to aging and disability care services! Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
Ontario, be aware of AstroTurf organizations pretending to be grassroots “non profits” that are, in fact, well funded groups seeking to dismantle public healthcare. “Concerned Ontario Doctors” launders disinformation through its organization, posing as patient advocacy. #ONhealth ImageImage
Any comments on their FB page calling them out or asking difficult questions, will be very quickly deleted.
In addition, flawed anti-lockdown propaganda is presented as “science”. For example “The Great Barrington Declaration”, debunked here:… #ONpoli #OMA ImageImage
To this day, “The Great Barrington Declaration” petition remains the pinned post on the “Concerned Ontario Doctors” (COD) FB page. Who’s behind this petition? Far right libertarian “think tank” the American Institute for Economic Research. #ONhealth #ONpoli #cdnpoli Image
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May 23rd 2018
1/2M living in ON don’t qualify for OHIP b/c they are not permanent residents or Cdn citizens: their “free” healthcare would cost ON taxpayers ~$2.5B/yr under NDP’s “sanctuary province” & $Billions/yr more from influx once ON opens borders for “free medical tourism”. 1/3

Why are none of these $BILLIONS needed to make ON a “sanctuary province” not costed in @OntarioNDP’s policy platform?

This will be a significant burden on our existing #ONHealth Crisis, esp as our senior pop’n is projected to grow by >68% over next 20yrs. 2/3

#onpoli #onelxn
These $Billions are in addition to $7Billion math mistake already found in NDP platform

Patient care in ON is already significantly rationed to pay our existing $1B/mth interest on ON’s massive $350B debt. I’m fearful for the future of #ONHealth 3/3

#onpoli #onelxn #carenotcuts
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