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Mar 17th 2022
1/🧵Russia's invasion of Ukraine has prompted a massive humanitarian crisis. For many the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming 💔.

Here are some great ways to help (some not even requiring any money).

Please retweet & share 🇺🇦🌻💙💛#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #HelpUkraine Image
2/🧵Ways to help include donating to Ukraine via a registered charitable organization, donating money /goods / points / miles, fundraising, volunteering, attending rallies, contacting MPs, fighting disinformation online, etc. 🇺🇦💪#Ukraine #HelpUkraine
3/🧵Money is still the most effective gift.

Most charities prefer donations of cash due to issues with donated goods (logistical hurdles, custom regulations, transport costs, lacking capacity of nonprofit teams to sort the goods, carbon footprint, etc.). 💲🇺🇦#GiveMoney #Ukraine Image
Read 66 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
For the return of the #UNMBioblog after our year hiatus, I chose to write about the negative consequences for cats, humans, and #wildlife when we allow #cats to roam freely. I couldn't help myself with the punny title.…
I was inspired to write this blog after I witnessed my neighbor's outdoor pet #cat killed a #bird under my feeder. A heated argument ensued. I know nothing has changed because I still scare him out of my backyard. I've counted 9 different cats in my backyard, here is one
I am a paradoxical #catlover, which stems from my #science & #ornithology career. I know how cute it is for my own #cat to frolic in flowers but I understand how dangerous it is for #cats, human #health, & #wildlife when cats roam #CatsOfTwitter #Caturday #catsofinstagram
Read 37 tweets

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